Not so Proud Trump supporter allegedly said he was disguising himself as an Antifa member

Because Trumpists are all about the cosplay: Person Woman Man Camera TV. Aren’t we in an age where US Senators pretend to be patriots while supporting an election nullification, and there’s all those 2020 instances of voter fraud, not. No evidence for the widespread right-wing lie that Antifa members disguised themselves as Trump supporters for…

'Q' is for Quisling

For those that are unsure of the meaning. Quisling: Traitor or Collaborator Synonyms : traitor, turncoat, betrayer, informer, back-stabber, double-crosser, double-dealer, renegade, defector, deserter, apostate, Judas, snake in the grass, fifth columnist Origin Second World War from the name of Major Vidkun Quisling (1887–1945), the Norwegian army officer and diplomat who ruled Norway on behalf…

damaged bads: ex-POTUS* health continues to deteriorate as justice closes in

CPAC showed that the GQP will go all Weekend at Bernies with Trump’s carcass. Some of us don’t care and hope he’ll be alive enough to get prosecuted. But Trump’s CFO, Allen Weisselberg needs to stay away from windows, negronis, and Fifth Avenue. “Weisselberg was given (limited) immunity for his testimony in the SDNY in 2018.”…

clear and present danger: Trumpists not swept up by 1/6

There’s a sizable population of Trumpists at large, some of whom would be willing to kill members of Congress. Fortunately the cosplay of Designated Survivor requires much larger capital resources and smarter members of the GOP/GQP. “…they want to blow up the Capitol and kill as many members as possible with a direct nexus to…

The Nazi Stage at CPAC is the Odal Rune

Very fine people on both sides. On Nov 4, 2016, the neonazi National Socialist Movement published a statement on their website, announcing that they would be replacing the swastika with the odal rune to enter mainstream politics. Four years and an attempted fascist putsch later, it’s the stage at CPAC. Croatia

Ba'al comes to CPAC, Ted Cruz jokes about his Cancun trip

Statue of the “other guy” arrives at CPAC, the annual owning the libs festival and meat market. The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is underway in Orlando, Florida, opening with a 2020 election conspiracy supercut, a video heralding cancel culture “victim” Gina Carano and a gold statue of ousted president Donald Trump raising eyebrows in the Hyatt Regency lobby ahead of his headline speech…

I am so looking forward to QPAC. Anyone else? #With Poll

I expect Donald Trump to publicly announce his goal to run for the Presidency in 2024. Will Ted Cruz’s head explode? I bet those Republicans that refused to convict in his impeachment for sedition might soon be regretting their decision. Hiya cowards. I hope QPAC [CPAC] reaches levels of rabid frothy chaos never seen before,…

It is all Biden's fault.

Look, say Republican Senators. “Biden wants respect and bipartisanship, so all we are asking for is that his nominees show us the respect we so rightly deserve.” We therefore demand. All nominees must agree with us, especially women with their own “ideas”. All nominees must have been nice to us, especially uppity womenfolk. Why hasn’t…

Seriously, WTF Is Wrong with the GQP-Texas?

Sorry but having lived a long time is Pinko Commie Europe this morning I was gobsmacked by this piece of news. Mr. Willoughby is among scores of Texans who have reported skyrocketing electric bills as the price of keeping lights on and refrigerators humming shot upward. For customers whose electricity prices are not fixed and…

a squad of GOP Attorneys General continues the insurrection

GOP AGs have been busy supporting the Trumpian delusion and sedition. The 1/6 Commission will have plenty of narrative content. Not unlike the mania for appointing Trump judges, the GQP AGs are a cabal that for some evangelicals, theocratically leads to a dominionist (fascist) state. Not unlike the QAnons who believe something, something about 4 March,…

I am a proud member of the Devil's Army

Replying to Representative Adam Kinzinger’s family, what a sad letter diatribe to send to one of your own. I am a democratic socialist. I am an antifascist. I support gun control. I am a non-theist Buddhist [atheist]. I support Extinction Rebellion. I approve of the Green New Deal. I believe in Science. I believe in…

Seven people died on 1/6. Seven GOP senators voted for justice

The GQP senate is an honor-free zone with pro-wrestling byplay, save the magnificent seven dead. Mitch McConnell is doing his best to keep the reality-TV show kayfabe going. Lindsey Graham who proclaimed he’d “had enough” of Trump is now going to Florida on MAGA business. x Graham on Fox says he spoke to Trump last night….

The Rot Goes Much Deeper Than One Man.

I listened to Mitch McConnell’s post impeachment weaselling, he could not refute the impeachment managers accusations or facts, so he then shielded himself behind a very weak and dubious legal argument excuse. HOWEVER. Virtually every single GQP member before January 6th supported the narcissistic sociopath in everything he did. There was no badge of courage…

Will insurrection trial let Trump off the hook?

Club rules seem to apply and Democrats don’t have the Senate votes to convict, perhaps wishing to settle for impeaching Trump twice, despite the insurrectionist attack on the Capitol. GQP senators’ cowardice continues with their fear of Trumpist voters, not wishing “to purify government, prevent future crimes and give warning to those who would attempt crimes.” Calling witnesses…

House 'GQP' congeals around its leaders

The Trumpist GOP identifies its allegiances. Nice to see Philip Bump using DKos data. Eleven members of the House Republican caucus took the unusual step Thursday of supporting a Democratic-led effort to punish freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) for comments she made before coming to Congress. It was the latest example of a small clutch…

Poll: majority want Trump convicted in 2nd impeachment, despite 'GQP'

A majority of people polled want Trump convicted in the upcoming Senate impeachment trial, as pressure is being applied to GOP senators. A Republican group plans to run ads in the home states of nearly two dozen GOP senators during next week’s impeachment trial, pressuring them to vote to convict former President Donald Trump and…

Rudy Giuliani's pre-existing condition

Probably a response to Mary Trump but more revealing about what little the Trump campaign has left other than the strangeness of their RNC lineup. Irony is a pre-existing condition. x The weird tweet was Rudy trying to search for something. Since deleted.— Jim Swift (@JimSwiftDC) August 18, 2020 x Currently doing research on a…