GQP's Big Lie continues: Steve Scalise refuses to admit Joe Biden legitimately won the election.

2022 may appear to recycle the Big Lie because they got nothing.

Prosecutors previously said Jessica Watkins had waited for direction from Trump — and believed she had received it before she joined the siege, allegedly leading several others into the Capitol building to fight against Congress’ certification of the Electoral College vote.
Watkins’ defense attorney, Michelle Peterson, wrote on Saturday that her client and other supporters of Trump had believed the then-President would invoke the Insurrection Act to use the military to overturn what he falsely said was the fraudulent election of Joe Biden. And Watkins and others believed “they would have a role if this were to happen,” the filing said.
“However misguided, her intentions were not in any way related to an intention to overthrow the government, but to support what she believed to be the lawful government. She took an oath to support the Constitution and had no intention of violating that oath or of committing any violent acts.”
Watkins’ attorney argued in the filing her client had worn tactical gear potentially to defend herself, and walked up the Capitol steps with other Oath Keepers in a “stack” formation because the group may have wanted to stay together in the crowd.


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3 years ago

[…] a prerequisite for leading our conference is continuing to lie to our voters, then Liz is not the best fit,” he recently said on a phone interview Friday. […]