It’s not Collusion it’s Corruption

In a closely contested TV football game, viewers let out a relieved sigh, take a bathroom break, maybe grab a sandwich or a hand full of chips and take a deep breath, anticipating a conclusion.  I find myself unable to inhale cleanly after taking in the polluted brand of Republican justice. Representative Jim Jordan was…

About Trump's “Strategy?” Stop Laughing, It Worked.

We’ve all seen, heard of, or read about it. A well dressed, well off, PhD who gets skinned down to his skivvies by a 16 y.o. high school dropout with a 3 card monte table on a street corner. And no matter how often we see, hear, or read about it, it’s Donald Trump who…

Do-nothings, Know-nothings and Trump-nothings…

It has been widely accepted that the “Third Rail” of politics is tampering with Social Security benefits. Similarly, the third rail of conversation is religion.  Buried beneath the press but giving oxygen to the likes of Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY.) and White House adviser Stephen Miller on Sunday talk shows attempting to defend racism, a…

Let's end the media charade that Trump's a master communicator

Has any recent president snatched political defeat from the jaws of victory quite the way Donald Trump has done over the last few days? Watching the Democratic Party become ensnared in a nasty civil war being fought among House leaders and insurgent freshman congresswoman, Trump inexplicably entered the fray over the weekend by posting blatantly…

Donald Trump has become Dennis Rodman

Actually, the sickening fawning that Trump lathers onto Kim Jong Un after the alleged murder of an American citizen, while continuing to develop nuclear weapons, is far more disgraceful than anything Dennis Rodman has ever done in North Korea. Rodman became a sniveling sycophant to Kim, but he was just considered a joke by the Obama…

Jews and Japanese Agree: These ARE Concentration Camps.

I’m submitting this as a diary rather than a comment because I want to draw attention to a particular moment in  moment in history that was examined in today’s WaPo: For Japanese Americans, the debate over what counts as a ‘concentration camp’ is familiar. In 1998, there was an exhibit at Ellis Island titled “America’s…

The Primary Primer – June 4, 2019

This isn’t going to be a daily feature, it’s too early for that, and too jumbled. Rather, it’s going to be more of a weekly or bi-weekly digest of things that happened in the primaries that may have flown under the radar, or you might want to bookmark to look back on later. The Media…

Hannity, et al., are freaking out over Mueller press conference

When you live 24/7 inside a giant acrylic hamster ball full of unicorn glitter farts and faerie dreams, reality can really chafe you when it finally rears its head. Sean Hannity and some Fox regulars are finding that out now. Today, in the wake of the Robert Mueller press conference — in which he stated in…

Media Narrative on Democrats: You Are Screwed!

Because I’m at home, I get to see a lot of MSNBC living with my elderly Mom, and I have had this “emerging” Media narrative of Democrats are so politically screwed shoved into every orifice of my body.  Has anyone else noticed this?  Here are some of the elements of the Media narrative I have seen…

The Democrats “In a Bind” Narrative.

I do not know about the rest of the media, but some on MSNBC — Andrea Mitchell out with her pomp pomps —  are really pushing the narrative that it is Democrats who are in a political bind with the Mueller Report.  According to the narrative, people like me are howling at Democrats like hounds from Hell…

About Tulsi's paranoid claim that a Trump indictment will lead to civil war…

Generally, I stay away from bashing Democratic presidential candidates. Yet there’s one exception I’ll gladly make, because I don’t know what the hell Tulsi Gabbard is, but she’s no Democrat. I soured on her long ago, after she went on Fox News to parrot GOP talking points to bash Obama.  Later, after this David Duke-endorsed candidate…

Trump describes non-white immigrants as 'invaders,' echoing NZ shooter

It’s clear that the New Zealand mosque killer was a big fan of Donald Trump’s efforts to stand “as a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose,” and now his motivations are coming into even sharper focus. And they're eerily similar to the twisted values that animate our pr*sident. In fact, as the world was still…

Rush Limbaugh suggests New Zealand attack was a leftist false flag

Because of course he did. Via Media Matters: RUSH LIMBAUGH: The idea that there is far more crazed right-wing terrorism in America than there is any other kind is nothing more than a media narrative manufactured out of whole cloth, and it's just waiting for events like this to take place, and this is what…

Support Tomorrow’s Climate Strike Mobilization

Photo: Alexandria Villaseñor, a 13 year old climate justice activist and aCo-Founder/Co-Director U.S. Youth Climate Strike ( With gratitude in my heart and the future in mind,  Russell Greene, PDA Board Member, for Alan, Deb, Mike F., Mike H., Dr. Bill, Dan, Janis, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—Your PDA National Team The Climate Narrative Is Shifting…

The Great Trump “Unraveling” Begins.

Hey, what smells in here? Stick a pin in this week. In years to come, when we look back on the sad and sordid history of the Trump Presidency, this will be the week when we realize that the whole damn thing started to come apart at the seams. And to realize that Glorious Tweeter…

CNN's new 'political editor' tied to the shameful Seth Rich conspiracy story

This is craven. Because Donald Trump twiddles his tweeter thumbs at CNN 24/7, the network has apparently bowed to the “pressure,” hiring a former Trump DOJ official and Republican operative, Sarah Isgur Flores, to oversee its 2020 election coverage. That’s not a typo. It’s not meant to say “to oversee its quarterly urinal cake acquisition”…

About that upcoming Mueller report.

I’d like to take a minute to draw a couple of distinctions about the upcoming Mueller report, and the soon to begin congressional committee hearings. The Mueller investigation is not necessarily These two investigations do not necessarily dovetail with each other, in fact, in some ways they are diametrically opposed. Robert Mueller’s mandate from the…

Hey MSNBC! McConnell, McConnell, McConnell Could Reopen the Government Tomorrow!

Hallie Jackson, Andrea Mitchell, Katy Tur, and Tweety Bird Matthews  were all singing from the same hymnal today about the government shutdown:  “Give in you heartless Democrats!”   Anyway, MSNBC is pushing the narrative that if this government shutdown goes on much longer that Democrats should cave and spare the government workers. Reminder to MSNBC:  Trump “owns” this…

In this battle of wits, only one side is competing.

The President is a counter puncher. When he’s hit, he hits back twice as hard   Sarah Huckabee Sanders Thus us a primo example of the bullshit that I like to call the Trump mythology. In boxing, a counter puncher deflects or accepts a minor blow in order to be in position to deliver a more…

Healthcare. Healthcare. Healthcare.

OK Democrats, in another two months it’s going to be time to put up or shut up. We got the House over the finish line, and we did it the old fashioned way, we worked our collective ass off for it. We won like any political party does, by making promises. But this time is…

CO-Sen: Cory Gardner (R) Is Now The Dean Heller Of 2020

I’ll have a full election analysis results diary once the recounts and runoffs are over and the remaining congressional races are called. But in the meantime, I’m going to get an early start on the 2020 races. Since it will be a Presidential election, the Senate will be a big focus. It’s potentially another tough…

Is This True What I Hear About Latino Voters?

True or False:  Latino voters are not going to show up in the midterm election and throw several Congressional and Senate contests to the Republicans?  I ask this because I have no insider knowledge on Latinos, but I’m hearing, seeing, and reading about the collective shrug from Latinos from the like of NPR, MSNBC, and…

Tell Me Some Good News Folks or at Least Lie to Me.

I’m a Democrat, so I am prone to panic.  Yeah, redundant.  But I have been depressed lately because of multiple things going on in my personal life (health issue of a loved one for starters).  Therefore, here I am asking for some good news or lies from my Daily Kossacks about the state of the…

Postcards from the front. Battlefield Nevada.

This is your intrepid reporter Murfster35, coming to you live from Vegas beach. The media missiles are flying overhead with increasing frequency, the battle is in doubt, but the body count won’t be known until November 6th. Here we are, 27 days from D-Day. I thought it might be both interesting, as well as informative,…

The Week That Was

Photos: The United States Supreme Court Building, by Joe Ravi • CC BY-SA 3.0 and Kavanaugh at his confirmation hearing in 2004, CSPAN • Public domain By  Debra Schrishuhn for Alan, Mike F., Mike H., Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Kimberly, Bryan, Donna, Judy, and Shayna—Your PDA National Team Contact Both Of Your Senators With A Click…

Everybody knows we live in a democracy…and the information age, right?

What is the purpose of Dr. Ford giving testimony before the Senate Judiciary committee?  Basically to get her story out to the American public.  She is not going to change one vote on the committee. Jeff Flake has already been exposed as a charlatan whose main function in the Republican party is ratf*cking. The Republicans…

Progressive Democrats of America and Our Revolution Announce Strategic Partnership

By Mike Hersh for Progressive Democrats of America The two organizations most responsible for building on the Bernie Sanders-inspired political revolution announce plans to work together on Medicare for All and Midterm Elections. Our Revolution (OR) and the Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) are excited to announce a formal partnership established by both organizations’ national…

Reading the MSM on Kavanaugh: Maybe He Really IS in Trouble?

It’s only MSNBC — Hardball and All In with Chris Hayes mind you, but I’m seeing a shift in how the MSM is viewing Kavanaugh.  And it ain’t good news for Kavanaugh.  Maybe the Kavanaugh nomination to the SCOTUS is in real trouble? First up, I tuned in to the last 30 minutes of Hardball with…