House transcript: Two Cabinet members were willing to invoke 25th Amendment

Only two?

Seriously, if Donald Trump had been an assistant cruller fryer at Dunkin’ Donuts, he’d have long been fired and put under observation by now, but because he’s only president of the United States, he gets a pass.

Do we have to wait until he appoints his horse — or, worse, Jared Kushner — to the Senate?

According to an interview transcript released yesterday by the House Judiciary Committee, at least two Cabinet members were willing to invoke the 25th Amendment in the spring of 2017 to start the process of removing Donald Trump from office.

The transcript was from an October interview with former FBI general counsel James Baker. According to Baker, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had discussed recruiting Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment — and he was not joking:

Baker: To the best of my recollection [former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe] told me that the deputy attorney general said that he had at least two members of the Cabinet who were ready to invoke the 25th Amendment.

Q: And what happened after that during that conversation? Did Mr. McCabe tell you anything else?

Baker: I am sure he told me other things in that conversation, but it was in part both of those things were relayed to me with other information with respect to — what the DAG was going through at the time and how he was thinking about his involvement in the firing of Director Comey and how he was thinking about proceeding after that.

Q: Did people tell you that the DAG was upset?

Baker: Yes.

Q: Did they tell you that he was making jokes?

A: No.

Q: Did they tell you that —

A: This was not a joking sort of time. This was pretty dark.

Republicans on the Judiciary Committee actually released the transcript, apparently believing it feeds into their narrative that there’s a cabal of deep state actors trying to undermine Trump. But for most of us it just feeds into the narrative that Donald Trump is so crazy and dangerous, the Republican DAG he appointed thought he needed to be removed.

You’ve seen Donald Trump during press conferences. Whose narrative makes the most sense?

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

“Fabulous!” “Hysterically funny!” “Cathartic!” These are just a few of the many accolades from readers of Aldous J. Pennyfarthing’s Dear F*cking Lunatic: 101 Obscenely Rude Letters to Donald Trump. And now, the long-awaited sequel is here! Dear F*cking Moron: 101 More Letters to Donald Trump is hot off the digital press and available as a $2.99 download from Amazon. Buy there, or be square. (And while you’re doing that, grab yourself a copy of The Fierce, Fabulous (and Mostly Fictional) Adventures of Mike Ponce, America’s First Gay Vice President, also from AJP.

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