Black man takes over leadership of neo-Nazi group, seeks to destroy it from within

How dumb are white supremacists? Well, dumb enough to let a person of color take over as president of one of their most popular organizations.

It sounds like a narrative pulled from BlacKkKlansman (or even Blazing Saddles), and it’s, frankly, pretty unbelievable.

I wouldn’t believe it myself if it weren’t on the website of FAKE NEWS! CNN:

Call it a clever twist of fate, a shrewd power play, or simply comeuppance for one of the largest neo-Nazi groups in America.

Its new president is a black man — a California pastor and activist — with one goal in mind.
“Change it, reverse it, and ultimately destroy it,” James Hart Stern told CNN in an interview Friday.

No kidding — Stern is now the head of the Detroit-based National Socialist (i.e., Nazi) Movement. He says the group’s former president, Jeff Schoep, handed over the reins to him in order to dodge a lawsuit against the group for its alleged role in the 2017 Charlottesville riots. The organization, along with 20 others, is being sued by victims who were injured during the protests.

Schoep claims he was “deceived” by Stern. In an open letter to NSM members, which he also sent to CNN, he admits to the “paper appointment” of Stern as president. But he claims Stern “convinced me that in order to protect our membership from the ongoing lawsuit, I should sign over NSM’s presidency to him.”

Pressured by the lawsuit, Schoep apparently told Stern that he was looking to dissolve NSM. But Stern convinced him to relent: “I told him if he dissolves it, someone else is just going to get it and re-incorporate it, rebrand it. I said if you gave it to me, that won’t happen, and at least you will know who has it.”

Okay then. 

You might wonder: what’s the point? The Nazis will just leave this group and start a new one. Stern knows that, but he’s undeterred. His goal, he says, is to keep an iron grip on the organization’s website and name.
“You can call yourselves the mother chickens of turtles, for all I care,” Stern said. “But that reputation you carry as NSM, which carries fear and revere, it’s gone.”

No wonder these people are such fans of Trump. They’re at least as stupid as he is.


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