MO-Sen: Fox News Poll Shows A Tied Race Between Claire McCaskill (D) & Josh Hawley (R)

Here’s the latest news out of Missouri courtesy of the latest Fox News poll: The Missouri Senate race is a toss-up.  Democratic incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill and her Republican challenger Josh Hawley tie at 43 percent apiece. Another four percent support another candidate, and nine percent are undecided. The race was also tied, 43-43 percent,…

CT-Gov: New Quinnipiac Poll Has Ned Lamont (D) Beating Bob Stefanowski (R) 47-43

Here’s the latest news out of Connecticut courtesy of Quinnipiac University’s latest poll: Democrat Ned Lamont is on the plus side of a too-close-to-call Connecticut governor's race, with 47 percent of likely voters to Republican Bob Stefanowski's 43 percent and 7 percent for independent candidate Oz Griebel, according to a Quinnipiac University Poll released today. …

AZ-Sen: New NBC/Marist Poll Has Kyrsten Sinema (D) Beating Martha McSally (R) 50-44

 Big news today out of Arizona courtesy of NBC/Marist’s latest poll: Fueled by advantages among Latinos, independents and women, Democrat Kyrsten Sinema holds a 6-point lead over Republican Martha McSally in Arizona’s key Senate contest, according to a new NBC News/Marist poll of the state. Sinema, a Democratic congresswoman, gets support from 50 percent of likely…

Republicans vs Democrats. The REAL difference.

There is no doubt about it, these are dark times. We have a Trumpaholic driving a 2015 Chevy Scrapbook around, mailing off pipe bombs, another asylum escapee who thinks that HIAS is bankrolling an invasion force of unarmed, impoverished, footsore army of Honduran women and children, and to top it all off, a loud mouthed…

The GOP may pull this out for us yet!

When it comes to the 2018 midterms, I’ve been saying it for at least the last 6 weeks now, “Play like you’re ten points down with 2:00 left to go in the game.”The numbers don’t matter, the intensity don’t matter, none of it means jack if you don’t get “souls to the polls.” Rest in the…

Et Tu FOX, Et Tu?

How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child    King Lear   William Shakespeare Coming only 24 hours after the catastrophic landfall of Hurricane Michael on the Florida panhandle coast, the nation must now prepare for another man made disaster of epic proportions, a category 5 Twitter tantrum from The Pampers…

Postcards from the front. Battlefield Nevada.

This is your intrepid reporter Murfster35, coming to you live from Vegas beach. The media missiles are flying overhead with increasing frequency, the battle is in doubt, but the body count won’t be known until November 6th. Here we are, 27 days from D-Day. I thought it might be both interesting, as well as informative,…

28 days to go. Eyes on the prize people!

You know, I’ve got to hand it to El Pendejo Presidente. When it comes to politics, he literally could fall into a shithouse, and come up with a sealed box lunch. Brett Kavanaugh was always meant to serve as a distraction. Trump could have picked any of a number of conservative judges that would have…

The end of an era? We can only hope so.

Democrats vs Republicans. Not exactly new or novel, the two have been duking it out politically for more than a century and a half. Sometimes the Republicans win, and sometimes the Democrats win. And as political analysts become increasingly happy to remind us as we near yet another midterm election, sometimes the power swings are…

The “wild card” in the 2018 election. Updated with pertinent info links

Every election is different. There are different candidates, different issues, and different personalities and scandals to consume and digest. But just as every election is different, so is every election the same in some ways. Until this one. Elections in this country are ruled by finite measurements. The two most common are registered voters, and…

For the GOP to win, Kvanaugh must lose.

This really isn't that complicated. There are only two possible outcomes to the Kavanaugh nomination  Either Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed, or he won't. There are only two sides here, Democratic and Republican, and each outcome will provoke a largely predictable reaction from each side. This isn't pure speculation, there is polling data, and even…

CO-Gov: New Poll Has Jared Polis (D) Beating Walker Stapelton (R) 47-40

Some very good news today out of Colorado: Democratic U.S. Rep. Jared Polis leads Republican state Treasurer Walker Stapleton by 7 percentage points in the state’s gubernatorial contest, according to the first publicly released poll of likely voters since this summer’s primary election. Polis’ lead was especially strong with Colorado’s unaffiliated voters, women and those…

GA-Gov: Two New Polls Show A Toss-Up Race Between Stacey Abrams (D) & Brian Kemp (R)

Two new polls confirm we have a real race here in Georgia. First, this one that came out yesterday: With nearly a month until Election Day, a new poll in Georgia shows Democrat Stacey Abrams and Republican Brian Kemp in a neck-and-neck race for Governor. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that the poll, conducted by Landmark Communications, showed Kemp leading Abrams 48-46 among…

FL-Gov: New PPP Poll Has Andrew Gillum (D) Beating Ron DeSantis (R) 48-44

Some good news today out of Florida courtesy of PPP’s latest poll: Another poll, another lead for Andrew Gillum. The newest survey from Public Policy Polling has Gillum, the Democratic nominee for Governor, ahead by four points in his race against Republican Ron DeSantis. The survey sampled 779 registered voters Sept. 28-30. Gillum earned 48 percent support while DeSantis…

KS-Gov: New Emerson Poll Shows A Toss-Up Race Between Kris Kobach (R) & Laura Kelly (D)

Here’s the latest news out of Kansas today courtesy of Emerson University’s latest poll: 😲 SHOCK POLL: #KSGov a DEAD HEAT 🔴 @KrisKobach1787 37%🔵 @SenatorKelly 36%☮️ @GregOrman 9%🤔 Undecided 15% 🔊 ANALYSIS: SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: — Emerson Polling (@EmersonPolling) October 1, 2018 And there’s more good news for down-ballot Democrats in Kansas:…

Vulnerable GOP Congressman Shares Meme Smearing Dr. Ford

Iowa’s Steve King is a despicable human being, and not just because he is an unapologetic white supremacist. When he’s not posting propaganda from neo-Nazis, he’s sharing vile memes. Like the current president, he somehow always has time for a hateful post on social media. He has been in rare form this year, picking one that mocked a Parkland student’s…

IN-Sen: Sen. Joe Donnelly (D) Will Vote No On Brett Kavanaugh's Confirmation

This just in: x Read Joe's statement on the Kavanaugh nomination: — Senator Joe Donnelly (@SenDonnelly) September 28, 2018 Here’s a close up on the full statement:   That you, Senator Donnelly. You did the right thing. Of course, the GOP will really be hitting him hard on this so let’s make sure he’s…

ND-Sen: ND Dems Slam Kevin Cramer's (R) Idiotic Remarks About Brett Kavanaugh & Women In New Ad

Yes: x YouTube Video As Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh faced senators Thursday about an alleged sexual assault, North Dakota Democrats are criticizing Republican Rep. Kevin Cramer for his comments about those allegations and other remarks relating to women. The North Dakota Democratic-Nonpartisan League Party is launching a new digital ad Thursday featuring women listening to the…

TX-Sen: DFA Wants To Make Lindsey Graham's (R. SC) Worst Nightmare Come True

Received this e-mail today from Democracy for America in support of Beto O’Rourke’s (D. TX) U.S. Senate campaign: I keep thinking about the hearings today. All of it. Dr. Ford’s bravery, courage and pain. Kavanaugh's outrage, centering himself as the “victim.” Senator Grassley’s gavel. Lindsey Graham’s unhinged tantrum. Ted Cruz’s sliminess. At one point, Graham…

SD-Gov: New Poll Has Billie Sutton (D) Leading Kristi Noem (R) 45-42

Some big news today out South Dakota: x BREAKING: Latest Poll Shows Sutton Ahead in South Dakota Governor’s Race — Billie Sutton (@billiehsutton) September 27, 2018 Here’s some more info: In a polling memo released Thursday morning, polling firm ALG Research wrote: “Despite a nearly 2:1 party registration advantage for Republicans in South Dakota,…

MI-Gov: New Epic-MRA Poll Has Gretchen Whitmer (D) Beating Bill Schuette (R) 45-37

Some good news today out Michigan courtesy of EPIC-MRA’s latest poll: Democrat Gretchen Whitmer has an eight-point lead over Schuette, according to the poll from EPIC-MRA of Lansing. Other recently published polls have shown Whitmer, the former Senate minority leader from East Lansing, with a double-digit lead over Schuette, of Midland, who has been state…