Trump Change

Donald Trump, the man with gold-plated bathroom fixtures and a 10,000 dollar portrait of himself bought with money donated to his corrupt and now-defunct charity, thinks that the 1.7 million [tax-free] dollars paid to his CFO, Allen Weisselberg, were a fringe benefit, or just Trump change. Anyone still buying into the Trump fraud is either…

Everyone’s Flag to Burn, Salute or Turn your Back

In a 5-4 Supreme Court decision supported by conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, Justice William Brennan wrote in part:  [Gregory Lee] “Johnson was convicted for engaging in expressive conduct. The State’s interest in preventing breaches of the peace does not support his conviction because Johnson’s conduct did not threaten to disturb the peace,” said Brennan. About…

Rube Goldberg Would Be Confused

Rube Goldberg was an inventor and cartoonist who satirically depicted complicated machines to perform simple tasks used to show the absurdity of over-thinking. In March of 2016, with eight months to go in former President Obama’s first term, the then-Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell refused to consider the current Attorney General, Merrick Garland’s nomination to…

Faux v. Real Outrage

The Republican Party is outraged, outraged—I say—that Rep. Ilhan Omar issued a thoughtful albeit controversial statement. “We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the U.S., Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban,” said Omar, “We must have the same level of accountability and justice for all victims of crimes against humanity” she concluded. I am generally…

Barr the door… won't someone prosecute him

The Justice Department this May refused to tell Schiff whether any Republicans were investigated. Schiff: “Trump repeatedly & flagrantly demanded that the Dept. of Justice carry out his political will, and tried to use the Department as a cudgel against his political opponents and members of the media. It is increasingly apparent that those demands…

2020 election nullification veered into the realm of the outlandish

Mark Meadows’s instrumental role in the insurrection and the 2020 election nullification has yet to be revealed but the facts are beginning to emerge. “Mark Meadows pressured DOJ to investigate unfounded conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election in an attempt to nullify the results.” But the communications between Mr. Meadows and Mr. Rosen, which…

There is no law left in this country

When people who are supposed to be governing, half of the country is being abused.    I know some personal things happening from deep red republican judges also allowing things to happen that is not upholding the law.   I can’t even go into what is happening personally from even judges not upholding Ga. law but…

obstruction of justice enabled by 35 GOP senators

The Big Lie continues and the Big Liar remains powerful. GQP spent 3 years on a fruitless investigation of Hillary’s emails but have no desire to investigate an attack on our nation’s Capitol that resulted in multiple deaths and a path of destruction. .@SenateGOP republicans voting against the bipartisan #January6thCommission are marked with a Scarlett Letter….

Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the Critical Race theory

Oklahoma’s right-wing politicians would like to erase history because that’s what they do, whether it’s the omission of facts or rewriting them to favor those in power. Historical guilt and its associated media effects cooties can’t be part of public school curricula. H.B. 1775  implies that the past prior to 1776 represented by projects like the…

This is What Trump Expected the First Time…

Meandering nonsense highlighted by searches for bamboo fibers, and official lies issued from Mar-a Lago, are exactly what Donald Trump expected to be doing in 2016. The 2020 election with Joe Biden as his opponent was what he expected the first time around with Hillary Clinton; a loss. I am almost positive, locked away in…

Those committed to truth and facts must fight five times harder than the Republicans and their lies.

It depresses me to acknowledge this, but the Republicans’ commitment to blatant and serial lying, and Orwellian “make believe” governing, pose a real threat by overwhelming the public debate and individual’s efforts to stay grounded.  While a bit well-worn (and of uncertain provenance), this quote is fundamentally true: “A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth…

Did National Guard helicopters do more than “dust-off” DC demonstrators in 2020

Bullwinkle Badgers:  “Be loud … fly low over the crowds,” said one unidentified member of the Lakota crew, describing the mission parameters as they understood them. Apparently an “unidentified subordinate” modified the mission. Last Summer did feature another stunt at St Johns Church to serve the Trump 2020 election bid, including an increase in conflict that rationalized…

GOP and RW media whine about DoJ becoming “politicized again”

Susan Hennessey will be senior counsel at the National Security Division of the Justice Department. Looks like the Feds are closing in something, something, because there were definitely multiple obstruction of justice beefs against previous guy during “Russiagate”. And we still don’t know what Russian hackers did with the RNC kompromat, whereas Roger Stone and…

Minerva @ Midnight: a Trump indictment has Florida officials preparing extradition plans

A Trump indictment moves closer with McGahn agreement to testify to Congress, as with a variety of other possible witness cooperation and NY DA activity. The Manhattan DA is signaling such possible indictments, according to Preet Bharara x Palm Beach planning for possibility of Trump indictment: report — (@MeidasTouch) May 13, 2021 Law enforcement officials in Palm…

Vaccinations of Juveniles Will Likely Begin This Week… The Food and Drug Administration is giving emergency approval to the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid Vaccine for use in juveniles from 12 to 15 years old.  Several of the vaccine manufacturers are conducting limited trials for younger groups. Vaccinations of young people will not only increase the percentage of the population with immunity to Covid, but…

White racist swings at kamona young, a black woman, pushes attorney lee merritt

#RacistAttacksProtesters #MarvinScottIII #JusticeForMarvin During a peaceful protest and demonstration at the intersection between the cities of Plano and Frisco in North Texas, a racist white man runs up screaming, cursing and swinging at Kamona Young, a black woman and others as we blocked traffic. We block traffic for Marvin Scott III. Marvin was a 26…

Biden Sets Goal of 70% of Adults Vaccinated by July 4

President Joe Biden set a new goal of having 70% of adult American vaccinated for Covid (with at least one dose) by the Fourth of July. About 56.4% of adults in the US were vaccinated with a dose as of yesterday. The pace of vaccinations has slowed dramatically with only 376,937  having been vaccinated with…

Lazy Days

A little over a year ago, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham postured that helping out hungry Americans would make them lazy. “Very few people would choose work over unemployment benefits that provided moderately more money,” said Graham. Not only was this an attack on those in need but their work ethic as well. A year later,…

Well, That Solves the Problem…?

Much like with the election of Barack Obama, after the Derek Chauvin conviction, America was quick to congratulate itself. The fallacy of a post-racial America turned out to be as foolish as the idea of a post-racial justice system. I can still see the self-congratulatory smiles from my white colleagues when they would walk up…

Roger Stone's self-importance was not targeted by a drone, even as he is one

Stupidity adjacent, no Proud Boys or Oath Keepers threw themselves in front of Roger Stone as his office was near a styrofoam plant fire that featured an explosion. No Florida men were injured, but maybe Richard Nixon or Zippy was being targeted. x Roger Stone suggests gas explosion at Florida warehouse was “drone strike” targeting him…

“brushing history against the grain”… what did happen to a purse made from Nat Turner's skin

A new book suggests now the necessity of reexamining the historical materialist project of Walter Benjamin recognizing those moments of historical contact as acts of recognizing the constructed historical object. “Historicism tends to be hermeneutic because it values cautious, rigorous, and contextualized interpretation of information; or relativist, because it rejects notions of universal, fundamental and immutable interpretations.[3]” Here’s an…

Knee on the Throat, Foot on the Gas?

I watched the celebration of former police officer Derek Michael Chauvin’s conviction of three various counts of murder yesterday, and my feelings were mixed. No, no, I felt no sorrow for the man who not only took George Floyd’s life away but broke the hearts of countless Americans, both black and white.  I felt for…

Tucker “soup plutocrat” Carlson even further unhinged

If Tucker Carlson brags about beating up a gay man and/or liked junk food in high school, shouldn’t he clear that up among other strange tropes like the George Floyd verdict attacking Western Civilization. Here are all the mentions of Carlson in his senior year. Anyone know what the Dan White Society is? Can't be…

PA-Sen: Let's Celebrate 420 By Electing A Longtime Advocate For Legalizing Marijuana To The Senate

420 should be an official national holiday. Also, here’s the latest news out of Pennsylvania: The suit means business. Revenue. Jobs. Justice. Freedom. Legal Weed ✅ for PA. — John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) April 20, 2021 People who want lawmakers to legalize recreational marijuana in Pennsylvania rallied Tuesday at the State Capitol in Harrisburg. Lt….

Fighting for our Lives

Fifteen years ago, black suspect, Neal Mack gasped for breath, using the all too familiar words “I can’t breathe.”  Mr. Mack was handcuffed and having his life drained from his body by a chokehold applied by officer Greg Kwiatkowski before being pulled away. Mr. Mack’s life was saved by black officer Cariol Horne. This so…

Jen Psaki schools reporter wanting black Ambassador gone for owning our white supremacist genesis

Jen Psaki did not hesitate as she defended UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield for claiming the truth about America’s beginning Jen Psaki schools NewsMax reporter See full episodes here. Psaki defended UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, an African American woman. The NewsMax reporter asked if President Biden would fire her for claiming the truth about America’s white supremacist…