Pentagon Now Says It Never Blocked Biden Access to Intelligence . . . Riiiight [Updated]

The Pentagon, and specifically Acting Defense Secretary and Permanent Obstructionist Christopher Miller, are now saying the Biden team was never denied access to NSA and Defense intelligence agencies — they just hadn’t asked correctly. Pentagon denies blocking Biden transition team (Politico) The Pentagon on Saturday pushed back strongly against reports that the Trump administration blocked…

250,000 dead since “Trump's a tenant pouring cement down the toilets because his lease is expiring”

Trump doesn’t care whether he loses his security deposit. He just wants the chaos of dying meat processors, conspiracy-driven ICU trespassers, and a quarter-million dead Americans from COVID-19. And in foreign policy, Trump’s inviting skunk, gophers, and groundhogs into the crawlspaces before moving out.  Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump's order of a further withdrawal of US…

GA-Sen A & B: Joe Biden Is Coming Back To Georgia To Get His Senate Majority

I’m all in for this: President-elect Joe Biden will join the lineup of influential Democrats involved in Georgia's ongoing senatorial campaigns, according to his recently-named forthcoming chief of staff. Ron Klain—who will formally step into the role when become Biden assumes office in January—discussed the outcomes of Georgia's two runoff elections, and how they could…

Ivanka tries for the Low-Info, High-Disinformation voters before she flees to NYC

Ivanka and her brother retweeted an edited video of a violent right-wing perpetrator left over from yesterday’s Unite the Right 2.0 MAGA demo. An unedited version of the video shows the real depth of carnage. Apparently they’re trying to corner the less-attentive part of the right-wing media audience, perhaps in the hope of running for political office. x…

BREAKING: Trump Fires SecDef Esper

Trump has just fired Esper. By tweet, of course. x I am pleased to announce that Christopher C. Miller, the highly respected Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (unanimously confirmed by the Senate), will be Acting Secretary of Defense, effective immediately..— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2020 x …Chris will do a GREAT job!…

Trump thinks the idea of running a Biden bus off the road is… 'hot'

A theater of the absurd: fascinating are the last hours of the Trump administration’s disinformation campaign, as Trump goes round the bend. He now complains that Democrats don’t believe in science, again. And Trump caravans trying to run Biden campaign buses off Texas roads is “hot”. After his praise for turning out a crowd during a…

WYFP? Open Thread

x German ad for a soda with zero calories…it says: “two zeros, one tastes good” Bro… — Lexi Alexander (@Lexialex) October 17, 2020 x INBOX: I shit you not, @realDonaldTrump has signed a presidential proclamation for “National Character Counts Week.” — Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) October 17, 2020 x Conservative commentary dominates the discourse…

Quinnipiac Poll Has Joe Biden Beating Trump 48-47 In Ohio

Some very encouraging news today out of Ohio courtesy of Quinnipiac University’s latest poll: OHIO: PRESIDENTIAL RACE The race for the White House in Ohio remains essentially tied, as likely voters support Biden 48 percent and Trump 47 percent. Four percent are undecided. This is identical to the last Ohio survey released on September 24th….

Stephanopoulos grills a Trump spokesman who fails to get it even with a COVID infected president

George Stephanopoulos grilled Trump’s spokesman Jason Miller about the administration’s cavalier attitude on COVID. He slapped down the spin. Stephanopoulos grilled Trump spokesman See full episodes here. Jason Miller did the network rounds today effectively continuing to cement the notion that the administration is one built on lies. Jason made some rather nonsensical statements. He…

New Quinnipiac Poll Has Joe Biden Beating Trump In Ohio 48-47

Some very encouraging news today out of Ohio courtesy of Quinnipiac University’s latest poll: OHIO: BIDEN 48%, TRUMP 47% VOTING IN 2020 In Ohio, 46 percent of likely voters plan on voting in person on Election Day. Thirty-five percent plan on voting by mail/absentee ballot, and 16 percent plan on voting at an early voting…

Biden Tied in Florida Congressional District Trump Won by 9 Points… St Pete Polls has released a survey showing Joe Biden is tied in Florida’s 18th Congressional District. The 18th which is an east coast district just north of Ft Lauderdale gave Trump a 9 point margin in 2016 and has a PVI of R +5. Trump only won the state of Florida by 1.3% so any…

US lawyers do not dispute that Assange was offered a POTUS pardon

The Trump Administration does not dispute that Dana Rohrabacher and Charles Johnson offered Assange a pardon from Trump if he would say Russia had nothing to do with the DNC Wikileaks.   Assange was offered presidential pardon to help 'resolve' Russia's role in the DNC hack and cover up links to Russia's involvement, court told….

PPP Shows Ohio Democrats Competitive In 7 State House Districts Potentially Ending GOP Supermajority

Here’s some very encouraging news today out of Ohio: New @ppppolls show Democrats surging state House districts across Ohio. Even in gerrymandered districts they’ve drawn for themselves, Ohio Republicans can’t outrun the stink of their corruption with FirstEnergy and Larry Householder. — ProgressOhio (@ProgressOhio) September 17, 2020 Here’s some more info: HD16: Monique Smith…

Trump presser, more propaganda about the availability of COVID vaccine, contradicts CDC head

Another Trump presser today, there were more of the same lies especially about the availability of COVID vaccines. Trump furthermore went full disinformation about mask use. CNN’s Dana Bash referred to Trump’s account as “propaganda”.… x In opening statement, Pres Trump calls on @joebiden to “stop promoting his anti-vaccine theories.” Though no vaccines have yet…

Trump chokes on 3' putts as he compares attempted murder to golf, then goes to Kenosha

A quarter-million deaths still loom as the distraction tour continues in order to generate campaign commercial content.  x Trump in Kenosha— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) September 1, 2020 Pres. Trump is headed to Kenosha, Wisconsin, after drawing a comparison between police officers who shoot people in the back to golfers who “choke” and miss a…

even without a Don Junior bump, Biden is still winning

Chris Wallace found the Trump speech “flat”.  But didn’t you know that Trump was a “saintly feminist”? The GOP would have you believe that “my African-American” thanks that unlike Bill Clinton, Trump is the first Black POTUS.  Woe are the suburbs and Trump is better than Biden, only because Biden is worse (because he hasn’t been…

always slay it – a Biden speech for our times

An excellent speech pairing small details like “muzzle” with “mask”, carrying throughout the imagery of light and dark, and tight in length. It was well crafted and well-delivered. The peroration built on a poem and was a perfect match in tone and cadence to Biden’s regular speeches, complete with reproducible soundbites for stump speeches. x Donald…

yet another Trump presser – more chicken-in-every-pot promises

Q: What do you mean by an “invasion” in the suburbs if VP Joe Biden is elected? President Trump: “They're going to destroy suburbia. And 30 percent of the people in suburbia are minorities.  They say 35 percent, but I like to cut it lower. This one’s importance is in opposition to the Biden-Harris joint…

Trump thought Biden would pick Karen Bass because she wouldn't 'outshine' him

Apparently, Donald Trump can’t conceive of a running mate who isn’t the quasi-vertebrate equivalent of premasticated Cream of Wheat. Four years ago, Trump chose Mike Pence, who’s basically invisible when he’s not conspicuously smooching Trump’s ass. And being the sick, sick little man he is, Trump thought Joe Biden was just as craven and megalomaniacal…

Triumph of the Could at Gettysburg: “Slide into partial irrelevance…even more difficult for Trump”

Trump’s self-fulfilling idiocy still needs to drive his numbers further down. Like punking his gun-toting followers, a desperate Trump thinks that having his GOP RNC acceptance speech at Gettysburg will do for his neo-confederate followers something, something Charlottesville. The Stephen Miller logic probably has more historical revisionist malarkey in the first speech draft. Then again…

Is it time to publicly disclose classified intelligence on the Senate floor?

There is Russian interference in the 2020 election, likely not at the scale of 2016, since they’ve garnered numerous financial and political advantages from their many Congressional puppets. Remember when the NRA was a conduit for Russian election interference. Some senators have been suggesting that they might reveal classified information because they are shielded from…

IA-Sen: Joni Ernst (R) Wants To Defund Democratic Cities Because Of Protests

This is her priority: Iowa (R) Sen. Joni Ernst wrote a letter Tuesday to Director Russell Vought with the U.S. Office of Management and Budget asking that investigation be conducted into how federal tax dollars are used by local officials with autonomous zones. “In recent weeks, mobs hijacked peaceful protest and vandalized cities and state…