Trump in swing states, desperate for attention, bringing COVID, and disinforming with Russian ads

Trump is in the swing states, repeating his tactic of 2016, drawing attention away from whatever other mischief is happening.

The GOP herd immunity message is failing even as Trump attempts to normalize its death toll. Millions of Americans would die and immunity would still not be achieved, making ‘Donald Trump… the most successful bio-terrorist in human history’”.

Against this backdrop is early voting, mail-in balloting, and the possibility of attacks on US infrastructure, by enemies, foreign and domestic.


AZ: Biden up 49-43%

FL: Biden up 49-44%

MI: Biden up 50-42%

NC: Biden up 49-44%

PA: Biden up 49-42%

WI: Biden up 51-41%


— Stephen Sanchez (@SSanchezTV) October 14, 2020



— Daniel Lippman (@dlippman) October 13, 2020

A new pro-Trump super PAC ad uses stock footage from Russia and Belarus in a major ad buy that’s airing in three swing states. It’s the fourth time in three months that an ad promoting President Donald Trump’s reelection has used footage from Russia.

America First Action last Thursday launched an ad called “Pandemic Tax” in Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as part of a $10 million ad campaign slamming Joe Biden for supporting bad trade deals and arguing that he would raise taxes on “all of us.” But some of the people featured in the ad were actors in stock footage from Russia and Belarus.

At about 14 seconds in, the ad features a shot of new parents in dark silhouettes holding up their baby in front of a window as the phrase “HIGHER TAXES ON EVERY INCOME GROUP” appears on the screen. That specific footage, titled “Man And Woman Playing With Baby Near The Window,” is available for sale for $65 on stock footage website Pond5 by a user who goes by Kmikidov.

The same footage is available on Shutterstock by a user of the same name, whose profile links to the Facebook page of Konstantin Mikidov, which lists his location as the Russian city of Novosibirsk in Siberia. He didn’t respond to requests for comment sent through his Pond5 and Facebook accounts.…




— (@MeidasTouch) October 12, 2020


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