Trump sent personal, signed note to that alleged criminal he doesn't know

So remember those two Rudy Giuliani associates who were arrested on campaign finance charges 11 days ago? Donald Trump, of course, had no idea who there were, but acknowledged he might show up in some photos with them:

You have to ask Rudy. Or, hey, you could ask Trump. Because it totally appears as if he does know them — or at least one of them — after all.

Okay, so who knows who actually sent that note out? It could have been some flunky because, well, Trump doesn’t actually work, does he?

That said, it doesn’t look good. And it’s just more evidence that Trump knows these guys pretty well after all.

The Daily Beast:

The private Instagram account of Lev Parnas—one of two Rudy Giuliani associates charged with campaign-finance violations—reveals a personal note to him apparently from Donald Trump. The Wall Street Journal gained access to the locked account which shows Parnas at events with Giuliani, Donald Jr., Eric, President Trump, and his ex-wife Ivana. One photograph shows a note apparently signed by Trump and first lady Melania Trump, which reads: “To Lev Parnas, Thank you for your friendship and dedication to our cause. Leaders like you in Florida are key to fulfilling our bold agenda to Make America Great Again!” The photos also show Parnas in the leadup to the midterm elections flying around on a private jet with Giuliani. The day after Barr released a summary of the Mueller Report, he posted photos from a “celebration dinner” with Trump’s legal team.

Of course, this is a tried-and-true Trump tactic. The second there’s even a whiff of impropriety surrounding an individual, Trump dumps him or her like an aging wife.

Ah, but there are always records, aren’t there?

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