Will Senate Republicans Call Hunter Biden As a “Witness” During Senate Trial?

There is some conflicting information about what how low Senate Republicans will go to defend Trump during his impeachment trial in the Senate.  I know.  Getting ahead of yourself there Merlin, but I think it is reasonable to assume that the House will impeach Trump.  I believe most on Daily Kos will agree that there really is no bottom when it comes to Republican sycophancy and defense of Trump.  And one of those truly low and despicable moments may be if the Senate Republicans call Hunter Biden as a “witness” during the trial.  

Note:  this will be another one of those tests if there are “good Republicans” out there as Joe Biden keeps bleating about.  I’m expecting that Joe Biden will get a rude awakening on this score.

One report has Senate Republicans not so enthusiastic to call Hunter Biden in order to defend Trump on the Ukraine Scandal.

But a push to focus on the Bidens as part of an impeachment trial quickly received a cool reception from Republicans on Capitol Hill.

“His lawyers, I presume, can ask for any witnesses they want. But I think we ought to keep focus on the articles of impeachment and not go down any rabbit trails,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) told The Hill.

Asked about Trump floating that the Bidens should testify, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said he didn’t understand it as a “defense to the president.”

“We’ll make that decision, not the president,” Graham added.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), pressed about Hunter Biden being called to testify, replied: “I’m not sure what he would add.”

Now, would you trust ANY of the above assholes on their public statements?  This is Cornyn, Johnson, and Graham they are qouting.  But there are plenty of other Senate assholes who are gung ho on calling Hunter Biden.

Kennedy questioned how a Senate trial could examine whether Trump used Ukraine aid to try to pressure the country into investigating the Bidens without having Hunter Biden testify.

“I don't see how it is possible to litigate whether the president's behavior in asking for an investigation was appropriate without litigating whether he had a good faith basis for asking for that investigation,” Kennedy said. “Which means I don’t see how you could litigate this whole thing without litigating Hunter Biden’s involvement.”

He added that he would be “very surprised” if Trump’s lawyers didn’t try to call Hunter Biden or hadn’t at least considered trying to call him.

Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) added that he would “love” to use an impeachment trial to get the Bidens to testify. Meanwhile, Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) said that it would be “preferable” for Hunter Biden to testify as part of a separate committee and that “it seems difficult to avoid bringing him to testify.”

“If that’s the hinge pin of impeachment, then that’s the hinge pin of impeachment,” he added.

And there is Trump doormat and constitutional scholar Rand Paul:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) warned that he might vote against a resolution on impeachment trial rules if it limited the ability for Trump’s team to call witnesses.

“I'm all in favor of the president calling Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and the whistleblower,” Paul said. “I'd advise Republicans not to participate in anything that doesn't allow defense witnesses.”

What makes me doubt the likes of Cornyn, Johnson, and Graham is this bit of news from the L.A. Times:

GOP is already thinking about how to turn a Senate impeachment trial to Trump’s advantage

Trump’s strongest allies in the Senate are considering ideas such as calling witnesses that might prove embarrassing to Democrats or trying to time the proceeding to interfere with the campaigning of 2020 candidates, particularly in the run-up to the first presidential contest in Iowa.

If impeachment moves from the Democratic-controlled House to the GOP-controlled Senate, the president’s party will have more control over the process. Many see it as an opportunity to allow his lawyers to make a high-profile case to the public.

Some are speculating that they could call witnesses who could shift focus away from Trump’s alleged misconduct, such as former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter, whom Trump has accused of corrupt dealings in Ukraine despite a lack of evidence.

Let’s see.  Trump gets impeached by the House.  Trial goes to the Senate.  Trump HATES that anyone questions his PERFECT phone call, and Trump demands total allegience and loyalty from all Republicans.  The spotlight is on the Senate Republicans.  Do they cave to Trump for the umpteenth time and continue to debase themselves?  Will they call Hunter Biden in as a supposed witness in order to torture the Bidens and appease Trump?

Is the Pope Catholic?

There is nothing that Republicans won’t do for Trump.  

What this will mean is that Hunter Biden will be raked over the coals for the personal ambition of Trump.  And those “good” Senate Republicans will be aiding and abetting Trump.  And what this will clearly demonstrate is that Senate Republicans have sold their souls in order to placate the immoral cretin in the White House.  

I seriously doubt that Senate Republicans will reach any “epiphany” during the trial of Trump.

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