WA-Gov: Gov. Jay Inslee (D. WA) Builds Momentum & Public Support For Joe Biden's Climate Plan

Received this e-mail today from former presidential candidate, Gov. Jay Inslee (D. WA), on behalf of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee in support former Vice President and Democratic Nominee, Joe Biden’s climate plan:

Joe Biden

Every day under Donald Trump feels like the world is falling apart. Sadly, when it comes to climate, the scientists agree it is.

We need a president who will make climate a top priority before it is too late.

That's why I'm thankful Joe Biden announced today a massive $2 trillion investment in clean energy that will create millions of union jobs restructuring our economy toward a livable, just future.

Joe Biden’s modern infrastructure and clean energy plan shows that he’s serious about defeating climate change and has a roadmap to become the Climate President that America needs. Here's the gist:

    • Millions of new union jobs modernizing our crumbling infrastructure, retrofitting buildings, and manufacturing clean cars.
    • By 2035, a power sector in America free of carbon pollution. Net zero carbon throughout our entire economy by midcentury.
    • Environmental justice for front-line communities like Flint, Michigan. With 40% of all green investment dedicated to disadvantaged communities.
    • Zero-emissions public transportation in our cities.
    • A new climate justice division at the Justice Department, and a new White House environmental justice council.
    • A whopping 4 million retrofitted buildings. 1.5 million new green homes and housing units. This makes housing more affordable, safer, and healthier.
    • $2 trillion of investment in clean energy and sustainable infrastructure in his first term.

This plan is bold. It is progressive. And it is popular.

I support it — will you? Sign here to thank Biden for going big on climate.

The coronavirus has shown us the catastrophe that happens when a president ignores the science and the urgency needed in the moment. In addition to helping us Build Back Better from the pandemic, Joe Biden will apply that critical lesson to the urgent climate crisis.

But going bold on climate is not just good for the planet. It's not just good for high-quality union jobs. It is not just moral.

Polling shows that climate is a winning campaign issue with which we will defeat Donald Trump and elect Joe Biden in November.

According to a Pew Research Center poll in June, less than 35% percent of Americans approve of Mr. Trump’s approach to climate change, with almost 2/3 of respondents saying the federal government should do more to address the climate crisis. Trump’s own internal polling says his terrible record pillaging the environment is a huge obstacle to his re-election.

Our friends at Data For Progress also show that voters support investing trillions of dollars to combat climate change by 2 to 1, even when you talk to Republicans! That’s what Joe Biden proposed today.

Joe Biden had a decision to make. He made it. He decided to go big. Please join me in thanking him.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

— Governor Jay Inslee (@GovInslee), Washington State

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