“Vote him out” Ginsburg death compels renunciation of faith



Apparently a woman wrote an op-ed at HuffPo and felt compelled by the passing of Ruth Baden Ginsberg to declare membership in the Satanic Temple. Even if confused with Satanism and the Temple of Satan, one Gen-Xer seems now to blame for making evangelical heads explode on the Internet. Satan, satin, statin, Stalin…. all too morphologically close for government work.

Devil's fabric of space and time: satinic (sic) temples have nothing to do with RuPaul or Rand Paul….

The Satanic Temple's 5th tenet states, “Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.”


Members of the Satanic Temple do not believe in the supernatural or superstition. In the same way that some Unitarians and some Jews do not believe in God, Satanic Temple members do not worship Satan and most are atheists. They are not affiliated in any way with the Church of Satan. Instead, the Satanic Temple uses the devil as a symbol of rebellion.

Just like other faiths, the Satanic Temple has a code that their members believe in deeply and use to guide their lives. These Seven Fundamental Tenets include that “one should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason,” that “the struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions,” and that “one’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.”











Cares about average Americans. Less than half the country thinks this is true of Trump, as it did four years ago. Biden gets better marks than did Clinton.

Put simply, Biden holds an advantage over Trump on every metric, while Clinton at times only matched or even trailed her opponent. This is partly because of Biden but also, clearly, in part because Trump is less likely to get the benefit of the doubt on how he might be as president.

These shifts alone don’t necessarily explain Biden’s 10-point advantage in Quinnipiac’s poll. But it does bolster the idea that Clinton’s unpopularity was an impediment Biden won’t face.


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