TX-Sen: GOP Tries To Label MJ Hegar (D) As “Radical” For Having Tattoos That Cover Her Battle Wounds

That’s pathetic:

The Texans for a Conservative Majority, a political action committee that supported other Republican super PACs, superimposed a photo of Democrat MJ Hegar on a dark background with the caption, “HARD LEFT HEGAR.” The photo, which was noticeably featured at the top of the group's website, shows the tattoos on her right arm and accuses her of being a “radical liberal.”

“M.J. Hegar is a radical liberal who lacks the judgment Texans need in the Senate,” a caption to the photo said, adding on its website that, “M.J. Hegar is too extreme for Texas.”

Hegar, who served in the US Air Force as a combat search-and-rescue pilot, commissioned the tattoos to cover up her injuries after her HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopter was shot down by Taliban insurgents during a deployment to Afghanistan in 2009.

Of course Hegar hit back:


“A pro-Cornyn Super PAC is using a photo of my tattoos to make me seem 'radical.' That's pretty funny to me,” Hegar wrote in a Thursday morning tweet, posting the image from the conservative ad and another of herself flexing her tattooed arm. “You think I'm ashamed of them? They cover my shrapnel wounds from when my helicopter was shot down. They're a mark of my service to our country. I'm damn proud of them.”

Although the Texans for a Conservative Majority page does not specifically mention Republican Senator John Cornyn, Hegar is his main opponent in the Texas race.

Newsweek reached out to a press representative for Cornyn's campaign for comment but did not receive a response in time for publication. Hegar's campaign told Newsweek it did not have “any further comment past what MJ said in the tweet.
Well said. Here is the state of the race:



— Political Polls (@Politics_Polls) September 24, 2020

Both polls still have a high number of undecideds and there’s good evidence that the Quinnipiac poll may have undersampled black and Latino voters:


We have a great shot at winning this seat and flipping Texas Blue so we need to keep up the momentum. Click below to donate and get involved with Hegar, Biden and their fellow Texas Democrats campaigns:

MJ Hegar

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