Trump is reportedly turning on Pompeo now

Enemies. Enemies everywhere! Keep your head on a swivel, Donny. Are you sure that’s really Ivanka? It could be Adam Schiff in a blond wig and couture. 

So now Donald Trump is reportedly miffed at one of his closest allies, the eternally obsequious Mike Pompeo, his longtime (by Trump administration standards) secretary of ingratiation. 

NBC News:

The impeachment inquiry has created the first rift between President Donald Trump and the Cabinet member who has been his closest ally, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, according to four current and former senior administration officials.

Trump has fumed for weeks that Pompeo is responsible for hiring State Department officials whose congressional testimony threatens to bring down his presidency, the officials said. The president confronted Pompeo about the officials — and what he believed was a lackluster effort by the secretary of state to block their testimony — during lunch at the White House on Oct. 29, those familiar with the matter said.

Trump particularly blames Pompeo for tapping Ambassador Bill Taylor in June to be the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, the current and former senior administration officials said.

Okay, Trump has basically two choices: Bring in feckless, starfucking toadies who simply want to get within shouting distance of the Sun King, or hire experienced, competent people who are grounded in reality. The Venn diagram of those two groups has essentially no overlap. 

So if you hire someone like, say, Bill Taylor, he’s going to do what’s best for the country, not Dear Leader.

That’s not Pompeo’s fault. It’s Trump’s.

But this is typical Trump: Get caught doing something stupid, or enact a ruinous policy that blows up in everyone’s faces, and when the shite hits the wind tunnel, search far and wide for someone to blame. Because nothing is Donald Trump’s fault. Ever.

Mike Pompeo is just the latest to discover this universal maxim.

“[Pompeo] feels like he's getting a bunch of blame from the president and the White House for having hired all these people who are turning against Trump,” an official familiar with the dynamic said of Pompeo, “and that it's the State Department that is going to bring him down, so it's all Pompeo's fault.”

Of course it is.

Enjoy the bus ride, Mike. FYI, aloe is pretty good for treating road rash. Or so I hear.

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