New UNF Poll Shows Joe Biden Beating Trump In Florida 46-40


Some big news today out of Florida:


Joe Biden holds a 6-point lead over President Trump in Florida, according to a new poll from the University of North Florida released on Monday, giving the former vice president an early leg up in the nation’s largest swing state.
The poll shows Biden with the backing of 46 percent of registered voters in the Sunshine State, while Trump comes in with 40 percent support.

Michael Binder, the director of UNF’s Public Opinion Research Lab, said that Biden’s lead should be taken with caution. The survey results are based on responses from 3,244 registered Florida voters, rather than likely voters, making it difficult to compare to past election data.

Click here for the full results.

This is encouraging but we cannot get complacent, especially during this time. Click here to donate and get involved with Biden’s campaign.

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