KY-Sen: Two Polls Confirm A Toss-Up Race Between Amy McGrath (D) & Moscow Mitch (R)

Here’s some good news today out of Kentucky courtesy of Amy McGrath’s (D. KY) U.S. Senate campaign:


Two statewide polls conducted last month show the U.S. Senate race in Kentucky is winnable for former Marine combat pilot Amy McGrath against Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

In January, Garin-Hart-Yang conducted a live telephone survey among a representative sample of 802 likely voters (margin of error +3.5%), and Change Research conducted an online survey the following week among 1,281 likely voters (margin of error +2.8%).

Both polls show a strong dissatisfaction with Sen. Mitch McConnell and his vulnerability to Amy McGrath’s candidacy, and highlight a very competitive Senate race, with McGrath and McConnell tied in the Change Research poll and McConnell only up by 3% in the Garin-Hart-Yang poll, well within the margin of error.

Here’s the breakdown:


Amy McGrath (D) 40%

Mitch McConnell (R) 43%

Brad Barron (L) 5%

Undecided (12%)

Change Research

Amy McGrath (D) 41%

Mitch McConnell (R) 41%

Brad Barron (L). 7%

Undecided 11%

Click here for the full results.

By the way, here’s some more encouraging news:


A record number of Kentucky residents are registered to vote as of Jan. 31, Secretary of State Michael Adams (R) announced on Tuesday.

More than 3.4 million Kentuckians are now registered, marking a new high for the state.

In his statement, Adams encouraged “every eligible person who is not registered to vote to do so by April 20, the last day to register to vote in the May 19 primary.”

According to the Kentucky Secretary of State's Office, 48% of Kentucky voters are registered as Democrats, 43% are Republicans, and 9% are “listed under other affiliations.”

Adams said Kentucky had “relatively high voter turnout in 2019” and he hopes “Kentuckians will show up strong at the polls” this year to select both a president and senator as well as state officials.

In 2019, Kentucky voters ousted Republican Matt Bevin from the governor's mansion, voting for Democrat Andy Beshear. In one of his first acts as governor, Beshear signed an executive order restoring the voting rights to roughly 100,000 nonviolent felons in the state.

In November, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will be on the ballot, likely facing Democrat Amy McGrath. McGrath raised nearly $17 million in the last six months of 2019 in her bid to unseat McConnell, according to Newsweek.

The momentum is real. Let’s help McGrath in her fight to Ditch Mitch. Click here to donate and get involved with McGrath’s campaign.

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