Dire campaigner, Trump's no “dier”, but makes speech to astroturf crowd on the South Lawn

Trump probably created more “diers” today with a crowd who wanted to celebrate something probably not miraculous, but the product of magical thinking.


It was the usual Trump speech, ignoring any negative exceptions to the central Trump message, complete with a “audience” of PoC who support an exit of African-Americans from the Democratic party.

The White House insists today's speech was an “official” WH event, not a campaign rally.

After being sidelined from the campaign trail for more than a week, Trump leaned into his law-and-order message in a speech threaded with falsehoods that was clearly a campaign rally disguised as a White House event, which again featured scant social distancing.

Trump claimed that if the left gains power, they'll launch a crusade against law enforcement. Echoing his highly inaccurate campaign ads that suggest that Democratic nominee Joe Biden would defund 911 operations and have a “therapist” answer calls about crime, Trump falsely claimed that the left is focused on taking away firearms, funds and authority from police.

With just three weeks to go until an election in which he's trailing badly in the polls, and millions of voters already voting, Trump is deploying familiar scare tactics.

Biden has not made any proposals that would affect the ability to answer 911 calls. As CNN's Facts First has noted many times, Biden has repeatedly and explicitly opposed the idea of “defunding the police,” and he has proposed a $300 million increase in federal funding for community policing.
As at all of his campaign events, Trump's law-and-order rhetoric applied only to his antipathy toward Democrats and the left. He made no mention of the growing power of right-wing hate and anti-government extremist groups, including those who were charged this week in an alleged plot to kidnap Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and instigate a civil war.

Saturday's event was purportedly aimed at Black and Latino Americans, who, Trump argued, are benefiting from his agenda. Attendees included members of a group known as “BLEXIT” that was founded by conservative firebrand Candace Owens to encourage African Americans to leave the Democratic Party. His speech, however, seemed aimed at White suburbanites who are not sympathetic to the Black Lives Matter movement.





— Rudy Mehrbani (@RudyMehrbani) October 10, 2020



— Jon Cooper 🇺🇸 (@joncoopertweets) October 10, 2020



— Debra Messing✍🏻 (@DebraMessing) October 10, 2020


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 10, 2020


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