Trump smirked and joked at rally three months ago after supporter suggested shooting immigrants

So this video hasn’t aged well, huh?

During a Florida hate rally in May, Trump yukked it up with his supporters after one of them suggested shooting immigrants who try to cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

He also emphasized the word “invasion” approximately 17,000 times, presaging the El Paso killer’s pre-massacre rhetoric.

TRUMP: This is an invasion. When you see these caravans starting out with 20,000 people, that’s an invasion. I was badly criticized for using the word invasion. It’s an invasion. And it’s also an invasion of drugs coming in from Mexico, okay? It’s an invasion of drugs. I mean, when you have 15,000 people marching up and you have hundreds and hundreds of people and you have two or three border security people that are brave and great. And don’t forget, we don’t let them and we can’t let them use weapons. We can’t. Other countries do. We can’t. I would never do that. But how do you stop these people?


TRUMP: [smirks and laughs] That’s only in the Panhandle that you can get away with that stuff.

[Big laugh from the crowd]

Trump was reportedly scrubbing his Twitter over the weekend, removing references to a southern “invasion.” Not sure what he can do about this video — except deny it exists. It’s a metaphysical certitude that he’ll do exactly that, but luckily, we have the tape.

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