Trump goes to the land of DeathSantis today for SuperSpreader Rally

This evening at 7pm ET there will be another of the usual airport hangar events to pack Trumpists and spread contagion. We’ll see how long he lasts, considering his planned 30 minute speech on Saturday lasted 18 minutes.



Trump’s rallies during the pandemic have alarmed health experts, but Monday’s rally may come to be the most stunning example yet of the president trying to push away the harsh realities of the coronavirus pandemic with election day coming ever closer.

Trump claimed without evidence later on Sunday he “tested totally negative,” according to NBC News, but there has been no release from the White House at press time.

After hearing the announcement Friday afternoon that Sanford would be the president’s first major rally following the health scare, some local business owners were alarmed. One local business owner, who asked to be quoted anonymously over fears of hurting their business, told The Daily Beast: “No person in their right mind would do this and risk so many people.”

Another local business owner called the planned rally “crazy.”

“Do I think it’s safe to have this rally? No I don’t,” they said. “Am I kind of just over it all? Yes. Am I worried that it’s not good for our community health wise? Yeah, I don’t think it’s good for our community.”


But back in Minnesota, worries about the impact of Trump’s visit in the wake of him testing positive were also apparent. In a statement the same day the president announced he had tested positive, the state’s health department warned “there is a potential risk that transmission occurred at the Duluth rally and other events associated with President Trump’s visit.”

“Community transmission of COVID-19 was high in St. Louis County prior to this week’s rally, and people attending the rally may have been infectious without realizing it,” the state health department said in the statement.

The state’s health department also said in an email Sunday that “9 people who tested positive for COVID-19 reported attending the Trump rally held in Bemidji on 9/18. Of those, there have been 2 hospitalizations (1 in ICU).”…


— Daniel Uhlfelder (@DWUhlfelderLaw) October 11, 2020


On top of all this, Trump has become a walking example of much of what Fauci has advised against.
Trump recently held a gathering at the White House introducing his Supreme Court nominee that flouted social distancing guidelines, which Fauci himself bluntly described as a “superspreader event.” And now Trump is resuming rallies that are all but certain to feature little mask-wearing, in violation of the very guidelines advocated for by Fauci and other experts.
In the crowning insult, Trump is now falsely insisting that Fauci’s “own words” actually did praise his personal handling of this whole crisis. In fact, Trump’s use of them falsifies the history of his towering failures all throughout. The staggering dishonesty on display here should only serve as a reminder of that history.…


Places are dead!




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