Trump campaign tweets 2004 picture of Air Force One at Daytona because they simply don't care

GOP political figures and organizations tend to be the ones caught using stock photographs because their grifting doesn’t respect its marks. It happened again yesterday with the manufactured spectacle at the Daytona 500. Was Brad Parscale anything but lazy in reposting a 2004 shot of AF1 from a different angle of a departure.



— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) February 17, 2020


— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) February 16, 2020


— FOX: NASCAR (@NASCARONFOX) February 16, 2020


— Duty To Warn 🔉 (@duty2warn) February 16, 2020

Unfortunately for Trump, the network broadcasting the race where he was appointed to be Grand Marshall — a title that surely appealed to the president’s overblown sense of imperiousness — was Fox Sports where the imperative was making money from commercials, not acting as a retransmitter of Trump’s self-serving propaganda.

So instead of seeing the president deliver his spouting of boasts, insults, and rants that typically comprise his campaign rally speeches where ever he goes, the network cut away from his remarks before he could deliver them to their viewers.

Even more ironically, due to the strategic ad buy arranged by Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg’s media advisors, those viewers at home got to watch a political ad attacking the president created by the Bloomberg campaign.

Adding insult to injury, Fox Sports also cut away from the president’s joy ride around the Daytona track in his presidential limousine.…


— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) February 17, 2020

President Trump and the First Lady saw precious little racing at Daytona International Speedway, thanks in part to a brief shower that delayed the start of the actual race. As drivers returned to their cars for the start of the race, now guarantee to end Sunday night, Air Force One took off, with Trump destined for a Western campaign swing.



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