Some of Trump's Ukraine CT narrative came from a RWNJ columnist, now at Fox News

Apparently John Solomon is Individual-1’s Pat Buchanan and William Safire.

John Solomon, now at Fox News, seems to be the nutter whose shaky ideas about Democrats in Ukraine diffused to Trump. Even Ken Vogel points the finger at Solomon.

A Lot Of Trump’s Ukraine Conspiracy Theories Come From One Right-Wing Columnist

There’s a direct line between John Solomon’s shaky allegations and the president’s brain.


Many of the allegations and fuzzy “facts” that President Donald Trump and his allies have cited to defend pressuring Ukraine to investigate Democratic rival Joe Biden gained traction in the press thanks to one journalist: John Solomon, whose stories and columns in The Hill have made him a Fox News regular (and now a contributor).


Solomon’s articles are emblematic of the way the right-wing news pipeline to Trump functions: Shaky allegations get picked up by eager partisan journalists, who are then featured on Fox News where they grab the attention of the president.


Last week, Solomon defended his decision to send a draft of a March 26 story on a Ukrainian anti-corruption organization to three Trump-associated operatives hours before its publication. The draft of his story ― titled “US Embassy pressed Ukraine to drop probe of George Soros group during 2016 election” ― was shown to Lev Parnas, an Ukrainian American associate of Rudy Giuliani’s who was arrested Thursday on charges of campaign finance violation, as well as frequent Fox News guests Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing. Solomon suggested this was part of his fact-checking process even though the story did not appear to concern those three beyond their interest in potentially damaging information about Trump’s opponents.…




Over the weekend, Fox News announced that it had made a new hire: John Solomon, the self-proclaimed journalist at the heart of the unfolding scandal involving Ukraine, Rudy Giuliani, and the impending impeachment of Donald Trump. It’s not hard to see why Fox executives may have wanted to bring him aboard. Solomon’s work has underpinned the entire cascade of lies the White House and Trump in particular have pushed over the past few weeks.

Solomon’s writings—including those most recently at The Hill, where he worked until last month—are drenched in innuendo and mischaracterizations, all in service of attacking Trump’s political opponents. Solomon is already a regular Fox News fixture. He appeared on Fox News’s The Story show last week to claim that he was being victimized by “McCarthy-like” attacks. As Mother Jones noted on Solomon’s hiring—which coincided with Giuliani claiming that the man deserves a Pulitzer—Solomon’s “alliance with pro-Trump forces” is now “official.”…







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