
SCIF Squad: GOP dead-enders crash closed House committee session

The protest is over, after delaying the hearing for five hours. Laura Cooper of the DoD is testifying.

The sit-in was held by GOP House members not on the relevant committees in the SCIF facility. PIzza was ordered and apparently no one was arrested.


No, the real reason Matt Gaetz and “his coalition of the stupid” stormed the SCIF was to try and win the hearts and minds of their Fox News-addicted base. Because impeachment is both a legal and a political process, and these Republicans know that even if Democrats have enough evidence to impeach Trump, getting Republican senators to vote to remove him is all that stands between a President Trump and a President Pence.   

Another reason for the storming of SCIF is that as the reality television president, Trump loves reality television show-style stunts and tacky symbolism. Remember, this is the guy who rode down an enormous gold escalator to announce his presidential run. And since the Republican party is now the party of trump all the way down, Congressmen who ingratiate themselves with the president will receive his help on the campaign trail. There’s almost always an opening in trump’s Cabinet, perhaps beyond, and they’re aware of that as well.…

Bill Johnson (OH)

Andy Biggs (AZ

)Ralph Abraham (LA)

Robert Aderholt (AL)

Pete Olson (TX)

Jeff Duncan (SC)

Gary Palmer (AL)

Jackie Walorski (IN)

Lloyd Smucker (PA)

Doug LaMalfa (CA) 

Steve Scalise (LA)

Matt Gaetz (FL)

Bradley Byrne (AL)

Michael Waltz (FL)

Tim Burchett (TN)

Louie Gohmert (TX)

Kevin Hern (OK)

Alex Mooney (WV)

Steve King (IA)

Mark Meadows (NC)

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