Quinnipiac Poll: 55% Support Impeachment Inquiry, Up 4% in One Week


A Quinnipiac University Poll released Wednesday morning shows support for the impeachment inquiry has increased from 51% last week to 55% as of October 21. The poll shows 43% oppose the House hearings, down from 45% last week.

Impeachment and removal is at 48% approval to 46% who do not approve. Removal support has increased by 2% since last week.

Donald Trump’s approval rate has dipped to 38%, with 58% disapproving. This represents a 3% drop in the last week, according to Quinnipiac. The disclosures of the last couple of days are likely to have some impact on these numbers as well.

The poll was taken between October 17 and 21 and has a margin of error of 3.1%.

Full poll is here. poll.qu.edu/…

All recent polls at 538. projects.fivethirtyeight.com/…

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