Pennsylvania Democrats Launch Safe Door Knocking Canvassing Initiative To Flip PA Back To Blue

Received this e-mail today from the Pennsylvania Democratic Party:

Hey folks,

The weather is cool and crisp. The foliage is gorgeous. And Democrats all over PA are making a triumphant return to knocking doors — with safety and social distancing measures in place!

Many of you have been eagerly awaiting a safe return to in-person voter contact, and now that time has come! Sign up tonight to knock doors and talk with voters about Joe, Kamala, and down-ballot Dems this weekend.


Safety has been a top concern for our organizing team all year, and we're taking five key steps to make knocking doors safe and comfortable for volunteers and voters alike:
  1) Training every volunteer on COVID-19 safety
  2) Requiring symptom surveys & temperature checks
  3) Closely following CDC, state, and local guidance
  4) Providing masks/PPE free of charge
  5) Notifying voters when canvassers may arrive

And if you have limited mobility or are in a high-risk group, we still have plenty of virtual ways to get involved! Click here to call or text voters from home.

With under four weeks left until Election Day, it's on every last one of us to do the most we can. The Soul of Our Nation depends on it.

Go to to turn Pennsylvania back to blue by knocking doors and talking to voters! Flexible shifts are available from now until Election Day.

Thank you,
Lavianna Felder
“Get Out The Vote” Director
Back To Blue PA

Click here to sign up for door to door canvassing.

Click here to text voters.

Also, October 19th is the last day to register to vote and Governor Tom Wolf (D. PA) wants to make sure you’re registered to vote. Received this e-mail today from Wolf’s Super PAC, Wolf PAC:

Hey, we have a quick question for you.

Is your voter registration up to date?

If your answer was anything but “Yes,” then you need to read the rest of this email.

In 2016, Donald Trump won Pennsylvania by less than one percent. We cannot let Trump win here once again. When we say every single vote counts, we mean it. This election will be one of the most important of our lifetime — and control of the White House could come down to Pennsylvania.

When we vote, we have the power to shape our democracy and fight for the issues we all care about. This year, it's more important than ever before that we take a stand and fight for the future of affordable health care, the Supreme Court, women's rights, voters' rights, and so much more.

Voters have until October 19 to update their voter registration or register to vote in this year's election.

We can't risk waking up on November 4 wishing we had done more. Please, check your voter registration or register to vote before PA's October 19 deadline.

Thank you,

Wolf PAC

Click here to check your voter registration.

Click here to register to vote.

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