Pelosi is magic: Trump prepared to offer DACA protections for his idiotic wall

Axios is reporting that Donald Trump will make significant concessions in his 3 p.m. speech today that will signal a major departure from his current negotiating tactic of flopping around on dry land like a fat, surly carp:

Details: The offer is expected to include Trump’s $5.7 billion demand for wall money in exchange for the BRIDGE Act — which would extend protections for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) — and also legislation to extend the legal status of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, according to a source with direct knowledge.

The backdrop: A source privy to the negotiations told me the inflection point for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was the letter from Nancy Pelosi telling Trump not to deliver the State of the Union. McConnell had been saying all along that Pelosi and Trump needed to negotiate because one needed to put a bill on the House floor and one needed to sign it — two people with singular power.

  • But after Pelosi’s letter, the source said, it became clear to McConnell she was “never going to get off her position and some other spark needed to happen.”

At least DACA is something. Is it worth throwing a passel of cash at the Stupidest Idea Ever? Not sure, but it’s clear that Nancy Pelosi has brought this junkyard dog to heel.

For Trump, at best it’s an embarrassment — and a colossal one at that.

Personally, I don’t want any taxpayer money going to this wasteful monument to our ongoing national nightmare. But this does clearly indicate one thing: Nancy Pelosi is holding a winning hand, and she can’t be bluffed.


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