NM-Sen: Rep. Adam Schiff (D. CA) Helps Ben Ray Lujan (D) Take Away McConnell's Senate GOP Majority

Received this e-mail today from Rep. Adam Schiff (D. CA-28) in support of Rep. Ben Ray Lujan’s (D. NM-03) U.S. Senate campaign:

Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D. NM-03)
In 2018 you helped us flip the House, but we have more work to do.
If we want to truly make progress, we can’t let Mitch McConnell and the GOP control the Senate. We have to flip the Senate in 2020.
I watched Ben Ray lead the charge to reclaim the House for Democrats, and without him, we wouldn’t be back in the Majority today.
I wouldn’t be leading the House Intelligence Committee.
And we’d be completely powerless to hold this President accountable.
Believe me when I say electing Ben Ray to the Senate, taking down Mitch McConnell, and flipping the Senate is downright critical to making progress and defending our democracy.
The first major deadline Ben Ray will face in his entire Senate race hits in just 24 hours.
After everything he’s done for our Democratic House Majority, will you join me and chip in $10 to help Ben Ray meet his first goal and defeat McConnell’s Republican Senate?
Thank you,
Congressman Adam Schiff

Click here to donate to Lujan’s campaign.

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