NC-Sen: Sen. Brian Schatz (D. HI) Helps Cal Cunningham (D) Destroy Moscow Mitch's Majority

Received this e-mail today from U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D. HI) in support of Cal Cunningham’s (D. NC) U.S. Senate campaign:

Cal Cunningham (D. NC)
Thank you to everyone who responded to our emails and Twitter campaigns to support Senator Gary Peters in Michigan and Theresa Greenfield in Iowa. I really appreciate it.
Some of you also reached out to share other ways you are working to help take back the Senate in November. Candidates across the country are going to need our help.
So today, I’m asking you to learn about Cal Cunningham in North Carolina, talk to your friends about him, and, if you can, make a contribution to his campaign.
Cal’s race is essential to determining control of the Senate after 2020. That’s why Mitch McConnell has spent more than $21 million on ads in North Carolina — more than in any other state.
Cal is a veteran and a former state legislator with a proven track record of getting things done for North Carolinians. He has taken action in the North Carolina state legislature to combat pollution, improve air quality, and preserve our lands.
Cal also knows that health care is a right, and he’s committed to bringing down the astronomical cost of care, protecting Medicare, and fighting Republicans’ relentless attempts to eliminate the Affordable Care Act.

Cal needs our help to flip this critical seat and take back the Majority in November. If you can, please consider making a contribution today.

Thank you,


Click here to donate to Cunningham’s campaign.

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