NC, AZ, KY, MI & TX-Sen: VoteVets Hits Back Against Moscow Mitch's Super PAC Attacks

Received this e-mail today from VoteVets:


Yesterday Mitch McConnell and his super PAC booked more than $67 million in TV ads attacking our Democratic candidates surging in key battleground states across the country.


$9.2 million against Mark Kelly. $10.8 million against Amy McGrath. And a jaw-dropping $21.8 million in North Carolina against Iraq veteran Cal Cunningham.


This is just the beginning of these massive ad buys, to be sure. And because of our unique position in each of these races, it’s up to us to mount a response right now.


If you’re able, will you make a donation to VoteVets and progressive veterans running for Senate across the country like Cal in North Carolina, Mark in Arizona, Amy in Kentucky, Gary in Michigan, and MJ in Texas? Any amount will help because we need to get ahead of these ad buys if at all possible.


McConnell’s PAC sent a clear message yesterday: this is not only twice what they spent at this point in 2018 and $25 million more than it’s first buy in 2016. And there’s plenty more where that came from.

Mitch and his right-wing donor network know that their candidates are in big trouble, and we’ve come too far to let him and the far-right buy the Senate back with untold amounts of spending in key states.

Will you make a donation of $20 or more today? We’ll immediately split that between VoteVets, Cal in North Carolina, Mark in Arizona, Amy in Kentucky, Gary in Michigan, and MJ in Texas in order to get these critical races the resources they need to fight back now and WIN in November.

The stakes have never been higher, and Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and Republicans across the country know that. They’ll reach deep into their pockets to try anything they can to hold on to their stranglehold over the Senate and delay much-needed progress for veterans and military families. That’s why it’s so critical we mount a meaningful response today.

Thanks for rising to this challenge with us.

— The team at

Click here to donate to Cunningham, Kelly, McGrath, Peters and Hegar’s campaigns.

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