KY-Sen: Sen. Bob Casey, Jr (D. PA) Helps Amy McGrath (D) Kick Moscow Mitch's Ass Out Of The Senate

Received this e-mail from U.S. Senator Bob Casey, Jr. (D. PA) in support of Amy McGrath’s (D. KY) U.S. Senate campaign:

Amy McGrath (D. KY)

Who was to blame for President Trump's slow, chaotic response to the COVID-19 crisis?

According to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Democrats were to blame for distracting Trump with impeachment — and that's not all. Lately, Senator McConnell has blamed Democrats for not rubber-stamping his corporate priorities, while he blocked additional aid for hospitals and relief for small Main Street businesses, including those owned by women, minorities, and veterans. He even said that he'd rather see states go bankrupt than provide additional federal aid to help balance budgets that have been decimated by the coronavirus pandemic.

It's time for Mitch McConnell to go. Former Marine fighter pilot Amy McGrath is running in Kentucky to replace him, and with your help, she can win this November.

Will you chip in to help Amy McGrath continue building momentum to beat Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell? Help our team raise $10,000 by tomorrow's end-of-month deadline.

Mitch McConnell has never faced an opponent like Amy McGrath.

With grassroots support from every county in Kentucky and donations from people like you, Amy raised more money in just one quarter last year than Leader McConnell raised all year. She's building on the blue wave that helped Kentucky Democrats take back the governor's office and seats across the state last November.

Amy's running a grassroots campaign unlike Kentuckians have ever seen, and Washington Republicans are frantically working to stop Amy's momentum.

We can't stop now or leave this to Amy McGrath alone. Rush a donation to help Amy defeat Mitch McConnell and win back the Democratic Senate majority we need now.

Thank you,

Team Casey

Click here to donate to McGrath’s campaign.

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