Jim Jordan says 'everyone in town' was confident in Mueller; he's 'right next to Jesus'

Now that the Mueller report is completed there’s no need to harass and bully him anymore?

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan was on ABC’s This Week this morning to send a message to Trump cultists and anyone who just woke up from a two-year coma.

Seems Mueller was revered and respected by “everyone” all along.



Rep. Jim Jordan has yet to see the special counsel’s report on the Russia investigation, but the Ohio Republican insists it shows no evidence of “coordination, collusion, conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia.”

Jordan tells ABC’s “This Week” that “everyone in town” was confident Robert Mueller would lead a thorough investigation.

Jordan says Mueller is seen as “right next to Jesus, he can almost walk on water, this is the guy and — and he will have the definitive statement on that fundamental question.”


Everyone? I can show you about 10,000 tweets that say otherwise, Gym. Er, Jim.

And by “next to Jesus” I assume you mean hanging from a nearby cross, because a certain someone has been pillorying the man for two solid years.

Take your gaslight somewhere else, dude. I know the GOP M.O. in the Year of Our Lord 2019 is to consistently say black is white and up is down, but this kind of thing is just nuts.


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