IA-Sen: DFA Endorses Theresa Greenfield (D) In The Race To Unseat Joni “Cover-up” Ernst (R)

Here’s the latest news out of Iowa:


A top progressive group endorsed three Democrats running to unseat GOP senators in Iowa and Georgia.

Democracy for America (DFA) Wednesday announced its support for businesswoman Theresa Greenfield in her bid to challenge Sen. Joni Ernst (R) in Iowa. Greenfield is facing off against four other Democrats in the party's primary.

DFA also made two endorsements in Georgia, which will host two Senate races this year.

The group will back former Columbus, Ga., Mayor Teresa Tomlinson, who's looking to emerge from a crowded primary field to challenge Sen. David Perdue (R) and Rev. Raphael Warnock, who's running against Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R) in a “jungle primary” to finish the term of former Sen. Johnny Isakson (R).

The endorsements are part of DFA’s “Flip the Senate” campaign, which aims to “hold Senate Republicans accountable for the role they played in helping cover up Donald Trump’s White House crimes.”

Click here to donate and get involved with Greenfield’s campaign.

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