Gov. Tom Wolf (D. PA) & PA Dems Remind You To Request Your Vote By Mail Ballot By May 26th

I received two e-mails today regarding voting by mail in my home state of Pennsylvania. First, from Governor Tom Wolf (D. PA):

I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy.

I wanted to send a quick update on the upcoming primary election on Tuesday, June 2, and assure you that Pennsylvanians can still cast their ballots while keeping themselves safe and healthy.

Over a million Pennsylvanians have already requested their mail-in ballots, and you have until 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 26 to join them.

As we continue to meet the needs for mail-in ballots, we are also working to identify and outfit polling places to allow safe in-person voting.

Whether or not you vote in person or by mail, no Pennsylvanian should have to choose between exercising their right to vote or protecting their health.

Already requested your ballot? Forward this email to three of your closest friends and ask them to sign up for their mail-in ballot today:

Thank you,


Click here to request your mail-in ballot.

The second one from the Pennsylvania Democratic Party:

Thanks to outreach and organizing by folks like you, more than 925,000 Democrats requested at-home ballots for the PA primary!

Now, it's time to make sure those ballot requests result in actual votes, so we want to call every single Dem mail voter by June 2nd! Can you be part of that massive undertaking by signing up to make calls from home, right now or this Saturday?

Call fellow Dems about turning in mail ballots!

Days of Action | At-Home Phone Bank
Wednesday, May 20th & Saturday, May 23rd
flexible shifts available 2 PM – 8 PM


If you've ever stared forlornly at a pile of unopened mail—or put off mailing holiday cards until December 23rd—you can relate to how easy it can be to forget to mail in a ballot!

Data shows that friendly reminder calls make a HUGE difference in how many mail ballots get returned on time.

So if you want to have a real, instantaneous impact on how many PA Democrats vote by mail, the link to take action is:

Thank you,
The Back To Blue Team

Click here to sign up for a shift.

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