This excerpt from Trump's Zelensky call makes the stalking of Amb. Yovanovitch feel twice as creepy

I’m sure you’ve read the news today … oh boy

If not, here’s a rundown from Daily Kos’ own Kerry Eleveld.

According to a new trove of documents supplied by Rudy Giuliani pal Lev Parnas and released today by the House Intelligence Committee, Trump donor Robert Hyde tracked former U.S. ambassador Marie Yovanovitch’s movements in Ukraine last March.

Two choice messages from Hyde to Parnas:

“They know she’s a political puppet. They will let me know when she’s on the move… They are willing to help if you/we would like a price.”

Okay, that sounds kind of threatening, but …

“Guess you can do anything in Ukraine with money… what I was told.”



So that’s some creepy shit, huh? An associate of Donald Trump’s personal lawyer exchanged messages about a U.S. ambassador’s whereabouts with a high-profile Trump donor.

At least it can’t get any creepier than tha … oh, what fresh hell is this?


Yes, in Donald Trump’s deeply incriminating phone conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky, he said of Yovanovitch, “Well, she’s going to go through some things.”

That in itself doesn’t prove much, but damn, it sure sends chills down your spine, doesn’t it?

It almost feels plucked from a screenplay about the mob. 

With any other president, that aside might appear totally innocent. And maybe he’s “just” referring to the smear campaign that ultimately ended in Yovanovitch’s ouster (as if that weren’t horrible enough). But this is Donald Trump we’re talking about, and that alone makes this comment eerie as fuck.

Trump has always struck me as the kind of guy who’s watched too many (bad) movies and read far too few (i.e., zero) books. Let’s just hope no one gives him a copy of Saw or The Human Centipede. Because, damn, this sick fuck seems capable of anything.

By the way, while you wait for Trump to claim he doesn’t know Hyde, has never heard of him, and also somehow knows he’s a total lightweight and a loser, take a gander at this:


Isn’t that cute? They kind of look like two Russian nesting dolls, each vying to be the outermost figurine.


Is Trump still chafing your arse-cheeks? Then Dear F*cking Lunatic: 101 Obscenely Rude Letters to Donald Trump and its super-fun sequels Dear Pr*sident A**clown: 101 More Rude Letters to Donald Trump and Dear F*cking Moron: 101 More Letters to Donald Trump by Aldous J. Pennyfarthing are the pick-me-up you need! Reviewers have called these books “hysterically funny,” “cathartic,” and “laugh-out-loud” comic relief. And they’re way, way cheaper than therapy. 

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