The Trumpian metric: he wants to golf again and do his rallies in stadiums even as 2,000 people die

Trump is barely conscious of the need for COVID-19 testing because he knows that more accurate data tanks his re-election. By displacing the activity to the states, he can attempt to segregate his responsibility for the damage done by his 70-days of deadly delay from his search for blame-targets.

  • Total US covid-19 deaths as of Fri, April 10:  18,693
  • Increase in the last 24 hours:  2,021  (+12%)
  • –>  Single deadliest day in the US epidemic
  • –> 28 days to reach 2,000 deaths total (3/1-3/28)
  • –> 24 hours to add 2,000 deaths (4/10)

A national plan to fight the coronavirus pandemic in the United States and return Americans to jobs and classrooms is emerging — but not from the White House.

Instead, a collection of governors, former government officials, disease specialists and nonprofits are pursuing a strategy that relies on the three pillars of disease control: Ramp up testing to identify people who are infected. Find everyone they interact with by deploying contact tracing on a scale America has never attempted before. And focus restrictions more narrowly on the infected and their contacts so the rest of society doesn’t have to stay in permanent lockdown.

But there is no evidence yet the White House will pursue such a strategy.

Instead, the president and his top advisers have fixated almost exclusively on plans to reopen the U.S. economy by the end of the month, though they haven’t detailed how they will do so without triggering another outbreak. President Trump has been especially focused on creating a second coronavirus task force aimed at combating the economic ramifications of the virus.

The Senior Population of Current U.S. Hotspots
To determine the vulnerability of current COVID-19 hotspots, we compared U.S. counties with a high number of cases per capita against their percentage of seniors.

Counties at the bottom left have low readings on both metrics. Conversely, counties in the top right have a dangerous combination: a high concentration of cases and vulnerable seniors. Multiple counties in New York occupy the top right quadrant, with Yonkers being the worst off. Los Angeles county, which has a similar population to all counties in New York City, has fewer cases and a smaller proportion of seniors.

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