The Politicus
Sep 25, 2015 09:40 AM 0 Answers
Member Since Sep 2018
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This is really something I do not understand. I could unfortunately not find a picture of unemployment by district, but here is a picture of unemployment by Canton :
Swiss unemployment quote by canton

The places with the most companies and jobs are Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel, Basel and Zürich, and they are in the regions with the highest unemployment. On the other hand, very rural regions of central Switzerland, Appenzell, Graubünden have almost no companies and almost no career opportunities other than agriculture, forestry and maybe tourism, and yet they have amazingly low unemployment rates.

Even within the canton themselves there is a huge difference, where in canton of Vaud for example the city of Lausanne has very high unemployment quote and other rural regions of the canton have a low unemployment quote, when actually almost all the work opportunities in the canton are centred around Lausanne, and outside of the capital it is mainly residential or rural, and there is very few companies implanted outside of Lausanne.

There is a few exceptions, like the canton of Jura and Tessin which is both very rural and have high unemployment, but outside of those 2 cantons the rule works pretty well.

So, why is unemployment proportional to work oportunities, and not inversely proportional like we'd expect? Does this mean that actually companies bring unemployment, rather than bring employment like we'd expect?

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