One more for the road. Kavanaugh allegedly vandalized truck in drunken rage

Most people are already pretty indignant about Republican senators putting a supervillain from a raunchy ‘80s campus comedy on the Supreme Court, so maybe you don’t need more evidence that the process was rigged. (And it was, despite what our gaslighter-in-chief may have said.)

Then again, maybe Republicans think judicial temperament includes vandalizing personal property in a drunken rage, refusing to accept responsibility for the incident, and then leaving the victim twisting in the wind.

But, hey, that’s America in the Year of Our Trump.

According to the Wall Street Journal, when senators went into their super-secret cone of silence with their special Mitch McConnell decoder rings last week, they saw a stack of documents with thousands of tips about Brett Kavanaugh that had been sent to the FBI tipline. And they basically ignored them all.

From the Wall Street Journal:

One document likely in the stack would be a notarized statement submitted to the FBI Tuesday by a truck owner, who allegedly confronted an inebriated college student who was “smashing the black cargo box” in the bed of his parked Ford Courier on a New Haven, Conn., street in the fall of 1986.

“I yelled again at the person, and realized it was Brett Kavanaugh,” reads the statement, which goes on to allege that the future Supreme Court nominee, “uncontrollably, incoherently drunk,” later refused to pay for the damage when confronted over the incident at meeting of Truth and Courage, the secret society both Yale undergraduates belonged to.  Judge Kavanaugh, through his attorney, denies the incident took place.

The former truck owner, whose redacted statement was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, says that Truth and Courage members met twice weekly through senior year to hang out and drink. When “heavily drunk,” Mr. Kavanaugh, could turn “belligerent, offensive and even possibly criminal,” the statement says. The judge has denied such allegations about his alcohol habits in testimony before the Senate.

Gee, that almost sounds like “wilding.”

It goes without saying that if Kavanaugh had been black, Donald Trump would have taken out full-page ads calling for his incarceration, and he sure wouldn’t have nominated him to the Supreme Court.

Oh, and in case you’re not pissed off enough yet, here’s a quote about the myriad accusations, from a Republican senator:

Sen. John Kennedy (R., La.) said: “It’s pretty thick—the whole report, you could stand on it and paint the ceiling.”

Yes, Sen. Kennedy. Or maybe you could write on the ceiling. Might I suggest, “Fuck you, America”?

Make them pay.



Yo! Dear F*cking Lunatic: 101 Obscenely Rude Letters to Donald Trump by Aldous J. Pennyfarthing is now available at Amazon! Buy there (or at one of the other fine online retailers carrying it), or be square.

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