NC-Sen: Council For A Livable World Helps Cal Cunningham (D) Defeat 1 Of NC's 2 Corrupt GOP Senators

Received this e-mail from the Council for a Livable World in support of Cal Cunningham’s (D. NC) U.S. Senate campaign:

I hope you and your loved ones continue to do well in these strange and uncertain times. At the Council, we remain steadfast in our commitments both to keep our families and communities safe, and to continue our important work of taking political action to reduce nuclear threats.

With that, I share more good news since my email last week: after the recent North Carolina primary, the authoritative Cook Political Report has moved the state's Senate race from “lean Republican” to “toss up.”

This movement reflects Council-endorsed Cal Cunningham's solid primary win on March 3 despite a targeted Republican campaign against him. That Cunningham has evened the race reflects both his strengths and the weaknesses of his increasingly unpopular incumbent opponent, Senator Thom Tillis.

North Carolina is now a swing state with a Democratic governor, and a court-ordered redistricting is expected to add two Democratic House seats. Multiple polls have shown a competitive Senate race; a recent NBC/Marist poll gave Cunningham a 48-43% lead, and had him winning independent voters 48-39%.

Cunningham is a decorated Army veteran, business leader and former legislator. He opposes Trump's request for a new kind of low-yield nuclear weapon and supports the United States re-entering the Iran nuclear deal.

Cunningham had to spend heavily in the primary to fend off GOP attacks. There will be plenty more opposition ads before November. Please consider giving generously so that he can build on his strong electoral position. With his voice in the Senate, we could continue pushing back against bloated Pentagon spending and dangerous new weapons.

Thank you for your continued attention to these elections in the face of a pandemic; you truly are making the world more livable.


John Tierney
    Executive Director
    Council for a Livable World
    Member of Congress, 1997

Click here to donate to Cunningham’s campaign.

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