ME, AZ, CO & NC-Sen: Sen. Jon Tester (D. MT) Really Wants To Take Away Moscow Mitch's Majority

Received this e-mail from U.S. Senator Jon Tester (D. MT):


We're asking you to chip in just $4 today. Here’s why:


Four new polls show Democrats surging into the lead in four battleground states — Maine, Arizona, Colorado, and North Carolina — the four seats we need to flip the Senate.


These latest polls are the whole ballgame. Now’s our chance to flip the four seats we need to take back the Senate, end Mitch McConnell’s reign of terror, and make sure our government gets back to work for everyday families.


But don’t be fooled — these candidates are facing mountains of outside spending and right-wing attacks trying to tear down their campaigns. They’re going to need a whole lot of resources to fight back against the GOP’s attack machine. That’s where we're hoping you can help:

Can you donate $4 — $1 for every seat we need to flip — to help us build and sustain our movement to take back the Senate? Democrats are in a position to win big, but we need your help to get there.

As you know, Jon is doing everything he can to help elect Democrats in tough districts across the country. Grassroots donations from emails just like this are a big part of that. That’s why your donation means so much today.

Let’s go take the whole damn Senate.

— Team Tester

Click here to donate to take back the Senate.

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