KY-06 & PA-16: Khizr Khan Helps These Veterans Defeat Cadet Bone Spurs' Loyalists

Received a few e-mails from Khizr Khan in support for Democratic Veterans running for Congress. First, for Amy McGrath (D. KY-06):


I know what service looks like.

My son joined the Army in the spirit of service and gratitude to our great country, which has provided us opportunities I couldn't have dreamed of as a young man growing up in Pakistan.

My son was killed serving his country. But he knew that service requires courage. It requires determination. It requires competence. And, more than anything, it requires a willingness to sacrifice.

When I look at Amy McGrath—her record, her accomplishments—I see the embodiment of that spirit of service. Yet her opponent, Congressman Andy Barr, had the audacity to suggest in the New York Times that his service in Congress—where he hasn't even been able to stand up to his own President—is somehow equivalent to Amy's lifelong dedication to protecting our great nation in the Marine Corps.

I respectfully disagree with Congressman Barr. Amy McGrath's record of service speaks volumes about her willingness to put her country, and the values it stands for, first. That's why I'm honored to endorse her candidacy to represent the proud people of Kentucky's Sixth District in Congress. They deserve a representative who understands the value of sacrifice, and who they can trust to stand up for them even when it's hard.

Congressman Barr has the combined support of the Republican establishment in his corner. Amy McGrath has us.

Please join me in supporting this true public servant's remarkable candidacy by making a donation today.

Thank you,

Khizr Khan
Gold Star Father

Click here to donate to McGrath’s campaign.

Today, Khan sent this e-mail out in support of Ron DiNicola’s (D. PA-16) campaign:

Hello there,
My name is Khizr Khan. I am an immigrant, an American citizen, and most of all, I am a father and husband. You may remember me from my speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention where I criticized Donald Trump and his proposed Muslim ban. In my address, I also spoke of my son who died in service to our country.
I am often reminded of him through the bravery and selflessness I see in others — like I see in Ron DiNicola.
Ron, a Marine veteran and a fellow lawyer, has exhibited such passion and dedication for serving others. And though the Congressional day-to-day is much less dangerous than active duty, I am certain that Ron will bring the same enthusiasm for service to Congress. Ron is laser-focused on meeting the needs of the people in his district, and in Washington, Ron will fight to find solutions for the biggest challenges we face. We all need to do whatever we can to help Ron win this election.
In the spirit of teamwork, I urge you to contribute what you can to keep Ron’s campaign on track. Together, we can send a trustworthy, devoted public servant to Congress.
You can donate to Ron’s campaign here:
Thank you for your support.
Khizr Khan

Click here to donate to DiNicola’s campaign.

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