Joe Biden Mounts Pressure On Trump & Congress To Fully Fund The United States Postal Service

Received this e-mail today from former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign:

Our postal workers have stepped up in a huge way to make sure we can all stay connected and receive essential deliveries throughout this crisis, and we’re so grateful for their service.

The U.S. Postal Service is an important part of American life. But, with Donald Trump in the Oval Office, our post offices are under attack.

Trump has called for rolling back protections for postal workers and privatizing the USPS. And he even refused to support essential coronavirus aid for the Postal Service, putting postal workers’ jobs in jeopardy and risking service reductions across the country.

The USPS is an essential service that we all rely on, especially right now, so we need everyone to speak up and show their support to save it. If you’re with us, will you sign your name to support the Postal Service?

Trump’s plot to privatize the USPS couldn’t come at a worse time.

The Postal Service handles billions of pieces of mail a year. And during this pandemic, people are relying on the USPS to receive essential packages containing things like medicine and groceries.

On top of that, voters are relying on the USPS to make their voices heard across the country, with many states opting for vote-by-mail elections during this period of social distancing.

But if Trump gets his way, it could mean job losses and wage cuts for America’s postal workers. It could mean cutting services to rural areas and shutting down post offices in vulnerable communities. It also could mean slashing delivery from 6 to 5 days a week.

So we need to take action now to protect the Postal Service. Will you sign our petition today?

Thanks for your help,
Biden 2020

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