IA-Sen: Pete Buttigieg Keeps Up The Momentum For Theresa Greenfield (D) To Defeat A Trump Enabler

Received this e-mail today from former presidential candidate, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D. IN), in support of Theresa Greenfield’s (D. IA) U.S. Senate campaign:

UNITED STATES - AUGUST 11: Democratic senate candidate Theresa Greenfield arrives at a picnic hosted by the Adair County Democrats in Greenfield, Iowa on Sunday August 11, 2019. (Photo by Caroline Brehman/CQ Roll Call via AP Images)
Theresa Greenfield (D. IA)

Hi, I learned a lot from my time campaigning in Iowa. Above all, Iowans are ready for a different kind of leadership. So I'm reaching out to you directly to tell you about Theresa Greenfield. She's the leader hardworking people need fighting for them in the U.S. Senate.

Theresa is a scrappy farm kid who learned early on that you have to work hard to get the job done. She understands the struggles hardworking people are facing because she's faced them too.

When Theresa was 24, her first husband was killed in a tragic workplace accident that left Theresa a young widow with a toddler and another one on the way. Social Security survivor benefits helped keep Theresa and her family out of poverty.

We need a leader like Theresa fighting for hardworking people in the Senate. Will you join me in supporting her grassroots campaign today? Pitch in $5 or whatever you can now.

Theresa is ready to go to the Senate to fight for issues that hardworking people care about. But she's locked in a tight race with her extreme Republican opponent, Senator Ernst. A recent poll shows Theresa neck-and-neck with Senator Ernst, within the margin of error. This race will be close all the way until November.

National Republicans know the road to keeping their Senate majority runs through Iowa. First, Mitch McConnell's super PAC pledged to spend millions of dollars in ads. Now, the campaign arm of the Senate Republicans launched a false ad attacking Theresa.

If we're going to win the era and take back the Senate majority, we need your support for her campaign today. Pitch in $5, or whatever you can, right now to make sure Theresa has the resources she needs to win.

Let's win the era,


Click here to donate to Greenfield’s campaign.

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