Daily Beast: Trump 'beyond obsessed' with Andrew McCabe

I don’t know if this qualifies as a scoop or even new information, given that Trump once told former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe to ask his wife what it feels like to be a loser, but it does provide yet another terrifying glimpse into Trump’s hellscape of a psyche.

The Daily Beast:

Early last year, Donald Trump and his advisers gathered for a quiet, afternoon meeting at the White House to discuss immigration. But something else was weighing on the president’s mind as he and his team began to address the policy matters at hand.

During the start of the meeting, “all [Trump] wanted to talk about” was “how much he hated [Andrew] McCabe,” according to a source who was in the room. McCabe, the former deputy director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, had recently been sacked by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, citing a “lack of candor.” And around the time of the Trump meeting, he had lawyered up and accused the Trump administration of launching an “ongoing war on the FBI and the efforts of the Special Counsel investigation.”

You know, the only real surprise here is that “hating Andrew McCabe” didn’t show up as a four-hour block on that presidential “schedule” Axios published a couple weeks back.

But this is just Trump being his petty, obsessed, unpresidential, totally-focused-on-all-the-wrong-things self.

What’s perhaps more worrying is that he’s gotten the entire GOP to make copious contributions to his Mean Girls “We Hate Andy” burn book.

With McCabe now emerging again on the public stage, Trump has effectively enlisted the entirety of the Republican Party to join along in his manic, prolific cyberbullying.

The Republican National Committee’s chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel, took to Twitter on Tuesday to declare that “McCabe can’t be trusted,” among other disses. On top of that, the RNC has blasted out a series of talking points targeting McCabe, and booked its surrogates on radio and TV specifically to boost the party line on the ex-FBI official, according to an RNC official.

The Party of Lincoln is now the Party of Regina George.

Think about that.


Yo! Dear F*cking Lunatic: 101 Obscenely Rude Letters to Donald Trump by Aldous J. Pennyfarthing is now available at Amazon! Buy there (or at one of the other fine online retailers carrying it), or be square.


But wait, there’s more! The Fierce, Fabulous (and Mostly Fictional) Adventures of Mike Ponce, America’s First Gay Vice President is also available at Amazon! You can get two great political humor ebooks for less than the price of the coffee you’ll be spitting out on your tablet when you read them!

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