Whoops! North Korea just fired more missiles

Oh oh. Cancel Donald Trump’s Nobel Peace Prize.


North Korea on Saturday fired several unidentified short-range projectiles into the sea off its eastern coast, the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff said, a likely sign of Pyongyang’s growing frustration at stalled diplomatic talks with Washington meant to provide coveted sanctions relief in return for nuclear disarmament.

South Korea’s military has bolstered its surveillance in case there are additional weapons launches, and South Korean and U.S. authorities are analyzing the details. If it’s confirmed that the North fired banned ballistic missiles, it would be the first such launch since the North’s November 2017 test of an intercontinental ballistic missile. That year saw a string of increasingly powerful weapons tests from the North and a belligerent response from President Donald Trump that had many in the region fearing war.

So what exactly has Donald Trump accomplished, first by baiting Kim and then wholeheartedly embracing him and legitimizing his brutal regime? You guessed it. Nada. Then again, Trump never had a plan.

The launch comes amid a diplomatic breakdown that has followed the failed summit earlier this year between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un over the North’s pursuit of nuclear bombs that can accurately target the U.S. mainland. The North probably has viable shorter range nuclear armed missiles but still needs more tests to perfect its longer-range weapons, according to outside analysts.

South Korea said in a statement it’s “very concerned” about North Korea’s weapons launches, calling them a violation of last year’s inter-Korean agreements to reduce animosities between the countries. 

Wait, has anyone checked whether these missiles were loaded with beautiful love letters to Trump? Because that would change everything.

How can a lifelong conman be so easily conned? It’s like Houdini getting fooled by “got your nose.” Then again, if he’s a bad conman who gets caught a lot and bailed out by his family, money, and connections, well, that would explain it.

But Trump blundered into the North Korea thing with his Acme Diplomacy Kit and stumbled out covered in gunpowder and singed hair.

And all we have to show for it is a couple jokey summits and a continued hemorrhaging of international standing.

Thanks, Donald. Maybe just stay home for the next two years, okay?

Fabulous!” “Hysterically funny!” “Cathartic!” These are just a few of the many accolades from readers of Aldous J. Pennyfarthing’s Dear F*cking Lunatic: 101 Obscenely Rude Letters to Donald Trump. And now, the long-awaited sequel is here! Dear F*cking Moron: 101 More Letters to Donald Trump is hot off the digital press and available as a $2.99 download from Amazon. Buy there, or be square. (And while you’re doing that, grab yourself a copy of The Fierce, Fabulous [and Mostly Fictional] Adventures of Mike Ponce, America’s First Gay Vice President, also from AJP.)

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