Tired Of Voting For Politicians Who Are Always Strategizing.

Trump uses the old racist trope of “Go back to your country” against several women of color.  It’s in the very definition of racism.  And when asked if he thinks Trump is a racist, Kentucky Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Andy Beshear had this to say:

Beshear, the state's attorney general, also passed on condemning Trump's tweets when asked three times by the Courier Journal if they were racist. He said the four congresswomen are U.S. citizens, however, and should be treated with respect.

“I think that they were wrong and ugly and he should have never tweeted them,” Beshear said.

The answers demonstrate Trump's popularity in the Bluegrass State, as the two rivals joust in Kentucky's off-year election for governor.

Even my inner cynic was more than a little disappointed by Beshear’s cowardice.  And it is cowardice.  As columnist Joseph Gerth said:

Democrat Andy Beshear didn't do much better. He condemned what Trump said but refused to say if he thought Trump's tweets were racist. Obviously, he thinks some of you are racists and doesn't want to lose your votes.

And it doesn’t take much of a leap in logic to conclude that.  Andy Beshear is the son of former Governor Steven Beshear.  One of the few things to Steve Beshear’s credit was that he accepted the Medicaid expansion under the ACA.  But he had an idea.  He wasn’t going to call the exchange and Medicaid expansion as the ACA or Obamacare.  Beshear called it Kynect.

And he did that because it was the only way to get the racists in this state to sign up for healthcare insurance.  

Don’t give me that BS that Kentuckians understood they were signing up for the ACA.  There is manifest ignorance running lose in KY.  I should know.  I live here, and I have taught in the public schools.

Kentuckians support Kynect.  They hate Obamacare though.  And they want Obamacare repealed.

You don’t think that Andy Beshear didn’t learn that very cynical message from his Dad?

The so called political pragmatists will embrace Andy Beshear’s cowardice on whether Trump is a racist as political reality in KY.  You don’t want to lose the racist vote in KY.  If you have to kiss their collective asses, so be it.

Too bad that the minority voters in KY will be turned off.

Anyone think that a Democrat can win statewide in KY with a depressed minority voter turnout?  If you do, you need to talk with failed candidates Jack Conway and Alison Lundergan-Grimes.  Both ran away from Obama as if he had Ebola.  The black voters in KY tend to notice little things like that around election time.

I have learned to tolerate a lot of cowardice by state Democratic politicians in KY.  And so called “strategizing” by Democratic politicians and consultants.  I’ve gone out and regularly voted Democratic no matter how uninspiring and inauthentic they are.  I’ve never sat out an election, and I will go out and vote for Andy Beshear this Fall.

But Beshear is not doing himself any favors with demonstration of lack of guts.

And I am so tired of having to vote to try and protect myself.  With the exception of Congressman John Yarmuth, I have never been enthusiastic about any Kentucky Democrats.  At least with him, I’m voting for something.  With Beshear, I will be voting against Matt Bevin.

And we will be lucky if Beshear defeats Bevin.  But Beshear is not standing by POC.  And if you do not stand up for for them NOW, do you expect them to show up to support you in November?

I hope that I am wrong, but this is a truly shitty political “strategy” by Beshear.  And I have no more patience for Democrats who strategize with regards to racism.  It’s a big moral issue, and if you are always looking for some angle on a moral issue, it tells me that you lack principles.

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