Tell NY Elections Officials: Do Not Remove Bernie From The Ballot! Let The Voters Decide!

Tell NY Elections Officials: Do Not Remove Bernie From The Ballot! Let The Voters Decide!

In solidarity with democracy,  Mike Fox for the PDA NY Team

Let The Voters Be Heard!

New York state elections officials are considering removing Bernie’s name from the ballot and cancelling the Democratic Primary in the process.

We see this as an outrage, and we ask that you let them know now.

Step 1:
Contact the New York Board of Elections here.   Tell them that they cannot disenfranchise millions of voters by removing Bernie from the ballot and cancelling the primary.

Step 2:
Contact Jay Jacobs, Chair of the NY Democratic Party here, or message on Facebook, or Tweet @NYDems.  Ask Chair Jacobs to continue pressuring the NY Elections Board to hold the primary.  It’s the best way to promote unity in the party moving forward, and #UnityBeatsTrump.

Step 3Let us know you took action.

We at PDA believe that letting the voters and not party or elections officials decide is democracy at it’s best.

PS:  Please help fund our fight for fair, transparent, and verifiable elections here.

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