Sen. Flake: If FBI finds Kavanaugh lied to committee, nomination is over

Hint: He did

From CNN:

Sens. Jeff Flake and Chris Coons said in an interview that aired Sunday that if the FBI investigation into sexual assault and misconduct allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh finds that the judge lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee during his testimony on Thursday, his nomination likely would not move forward.

“If Kavanaugh is shown to have lied to the committee, nomination’s over?” Scott Pelley of CBS’s “60 Minutes” asked Flake, an Arizona Republican, and Coons, a Delaware Democrat, who are friends.
“Oh yes,” Flake said, nodding.
Coons added, “I would think so.”

Well, we all saw he lied. You don’t need an FBI investigation to figure that out.

Devil’s triangle? Not a drinking game.

Boofing? Not flatulence.

Renate Alumnius? That clearly doesn’t mean she was part of some chummy Scooby gang.

No connections to Yale? Bzzzzt. False.

Didn’t get obnoxiously drunk? His former classmates say otherwise.

He was legal to drink as a high school senior? No. He wasn’t.

Are these big lies? Not really. The big lie was saying Christine Blasey Ford’s story was refuted, though it wasn’t.

But when it comes right down to it, everything about Kavanaugh is a lie. He’s trying to pretend he’s unsullied by bias, when in fact he’s a staunch partisan. He’s trying to pass himself off as self-made, though he reeks of privilege.

Worst of all, he’s trying to play the victim, when he’s clearly the victimizer … and will continue to torment marginalized and vulnerable citizens as a Supreme Court justice.

Hope you’re true to your word, Sen. Flake. Because the lies really aren’t hard to find. You just have to look.


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