Retired top general: Trump is 'dishonest,' 'immoral'

Trump loves him some generals. They allow him to look tough in a vicarious sort of way. Since Trump has no discipline, brains, courage, heart, willpower, probity, honor, impulse control, elocution, continence, or clothes that fit him correctly, hitching his wagon to proud, patriotic Americans who don’t make half the country want to vomit every marginally orange thing they’ve ever swallowed is his strategy for looking presidential.

He also likes to “command” folks who exude authority. And everyone else, for that matter. But bossing around a general seems to really get his netherworlds a-tingling.

That said, generals appear not to like him much — for all the reasons stated above and then some.

The latest martinet to malign the mock-military mango is Retired Army Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, a former top commander in Afghanistan.

From The Washington Post:

In an interview on ABC News’s “This Week,” McChrystal told host Martha Raddatz of Trump, “I don’t think he tells the truth.” The general also responded affirmatively when asked whether he believes Trump is “immoral.”

McChrystal also agrees with the conventional wisdom that ISIS is far from defeated. And since Trump focused so much of his rhetoric during the campaign on defeating ISIS — even risibly claiming that he’d defeat the terrorist org in 30 days — one naturally has to wonder where he’s getting his marching orders

McChrystal said that contrary to Trump’s claim, the Islamic State militant group, also known as ISIS, has not yet been defeated.

“I don’t believe ISIS is defeated. I think ISIS is as much an idea as it is a number of ISIS fighters. There’s a lot of intelligence that says there are actually more ISIS fighters around the world now than there were a couple of years ago,” he said.

Now, saying Trump is immoral and dishonest is not exactly a Copernican shift in our understanding of the world. But it’s remarkable how many high-ranking and respected Americans are willing to state it so bluntly.

We need more of them — particularly if they have Rs after their names. Our country’s soul and survival are at stake.


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