Nevada Caucuses Tomorrow!

Nevada Caucuses Tomorrow!

photo: PDA Executive Director Alan Minsky With Bernie

In solidarity,  Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Dr. Bill, Dan, Donna, and Janis—your PDA national team.

Volunteer With PDA For Bernie

Make Automatic Monthly Gifts

Or A Big One-Time Donation


Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) supporters are in Nevada right now, canvassing and making calls for Bernie Sanders. Bernie is polling well. He has a good chance to win in Nevada, but anything can happen!

We need to have a strong showing to keep our #NotMeUs movement growing. If you agree with PDA and Bernie that we need fundamental, systemic reform—not just tweaks to the system—then please help empower our We Want Bernie efforts and help us expand the progressive movement.

If you’re in Nevada or can get there—or if you can make Get Out The Vote (GOTV) calls from your own home—please Volunteer For Bernie. No time to volunteer? Then please Pitch In to help PDA do all we can to help Bernie win tomorrow, next week in South Carolina, on Super Tuesday (March 3rd), and throughout the primaries.


Pitch In and/or Volunteer to Help Bernie Win


Not supporting Bernie for President? No worries, let Mike Fox know. He’ll get you active with our organizing for a Progressive Congressional Wave.

PDA launched our “Run Bernie Run” campaign in 2014, including a massive petition drive and pushing events all around the nation with one purpose: to overcome Bernie’s reluctance to run. We built support for his historic candidacy, gathering 10,000s of petition signatures, holding town hall meetings and house parties in several states, and through social media and a website.

In a very real sense, PDA persuaded Bernie to run for president—and without us he might have never jumped in. PDA also encourages progressive champions to run for the House and Senate. Bernie and PDA need your sustained support. pitch in automatically every month to give us the funding we need to win!

If you understand how important PDA has been to building and empowering progressives, then please show your support now—on the eve of the Nevada Caucuses—with a sustaining automatic monthly donation.

As the presidential primaries continue, we need your time and effort as well as your sustained, monthly support so we can plan, budget, and expand our activism. Are you in this struggle for the long haul? If so, please pitch in by making automatic donations every month!

PDA will not just maintain our efforts; we will step up our activism on your behalf during this most critically important election cycle. We sent PDAers to Nevada, and we’re mobilizing in other states, but we can’t do anything without you. Now is the time to invest in our We Want Bernie campaign with a one-time or automatic monthly sustainer donations!

Prefer to contribute offline? Please send checks to:

Progressive Democrats of America
Kimberly Buchan, Operations Coordinator
P.O. Box 150064
Grand Rapids, MI 49515-0064

Make sure to include your phone number, employer and occupation—write “self employed,” “retired,” etc. if that’s appropriate.

Questions? Can’t make a donation right now, but still want to help? Email Mike Fox

We appreciate all you do to support PDA’s efforts. If you’ve never donated to PDA before, now is the perfect time. We need your support more than ever. Click Here to support PDA’s We Want Bernie campaign with automatic monthly gifts.


P.S. Show your progressive pride with Bernie gear and other great items from the PDA Store!


Support PDA’s We Want Bernie Fund
With Monthly Sustainer Donations

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