MI-Gov: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D. MA) Helps Gretchen Whitmer (D) Defeat Betsy DeVos' Candidate

Received this e-mail from U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D. MA) in support of Gretchen Whitmer’s (D. MI) gubernatorial campaign:

Gretchen Whitmer (D. MI)

Michiganders know what's at stake when it comes to education. When Donald Trump picked Betsy DeVos to be Secretary of Education, the people who knew her record best knew she would be a disaster.

But now, Michigan has a chance to elect a leader with a proven record of standing against the DeVos agenda and the right plan to make education a top priority — from cradle to career. That's why Gretchen Whitmer should be Michigan's next Governor.

As a lifelong Michigander and mother of two daughters in high school, Gretchenunderstands the value of a strong education system. She's seen firsthand what happens when Lansing's failed leadership slashes school budgets, guts resources for educators, and enacts a one-size fits all curriculum that leaves our children behind.

Gretchen is ready to fight for our students, but she can't get there without our help. So join me in supporting Gretchen. Chip in $5 or more today to make sure she wins in November.

Throughout her career, Betsy DeVos has made it clear she cares more about profits and her ideological agenda than she does about educating our students — trying to privatize Michigan schools, refusing to discuss gun violence as part of the school safety commission formed in response to the recent rash of school shootings, and even siding with shady for-profit colleges that defraud thousands of hard-working Americans every year.

Why does Betsy DeVos matter in this race? Because Gretchen's opponent is the DeVos family's hand-picked candidate, who's already cashed more than $122,000 in campaign checks from this family of right-wing extremists.

Gretchen has fought for our children's futures and as Governor, she'll make sure our students have every opportunity to get a great education, from enacting universal preschool to making the first two years of college debt-free.

I'm going to keep fighting against Betsy DeVos's war on our students in any way that I can — and that starts with supporting leaders like Gretchen this fall. Make sure Gretchen wins in November — chip in $5 or more today.

Thank you,

Elizabeth Warren
U.S. Senator 

Click here to donate to Whitmer’s campaigns.

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